LEAM Stockholm
Planning support for sustainable urban development - LEAM Stockholm: The Land Evolution and impact Assessment Model (LEAM) Stockholm is a simulation laboratory for the development of the Stockholm Region.

Project leader: Ulla Mörtberg, KTH
Project participants: Vladimir Cvetkovic, KTH; Zipan Cai, KTH; Daniel Jonsson, KTH; Zahra Kalantari, SU; Jessica Page, SU; Georgia Destouni, SU; Haozhi Pan, UIUC; Brian Deal, UIUC; Helena Näsström, TRF Stockholm, et. al.
Funding: KTH and Region Stockholm (Trafik och Region) and FORMAS
Project period: 2019-2020
To be sustainable, urban systems need to be efficient in energy and transport, and at the same time liveable with access for all to attractive places with jobs, urban services and ecosystem services. In this project we further develop an integrated planning support tool for urban-regional development planning within the Stockholm region, with special consideration of accessibility for all citizens to those amenities. This tool, LEAM Stockholm , is an open source planning support system that simulates future land-use change and its consequences, by bridging large scale urban models, statistically-based state change models, and cellular automata. The work intends to incorporate LEAM Stockholm within a network of researchers, planners, and other stakeholders in the production of knowledge and opportunities for collaborative learning in the regional planning context. In this way, the project presents new methods and tools for decision support in sustainable urban development.
The project is a transdisciplinary cooperation between the Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED), KTH; the Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Landscape Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC); and the Growth and Regional Planning Administration (TRF) of the Stockholm Region. It is at the same time a seamless cooperation with the LEAM Stockholm development that is going on within the cooperation between TRF and Stockholm University (SU).
Related activities
- LEAM Stockholm meeting 20 May 2019 at KTH
- Kick-off for LEAM Stockholm 11 February 2019 at KTH
Earlier activities
Earlier activities related to the LEAM Stockholm cooperation:
- iLEAM Stockholm seminar on Urban System Science 11 May 2017 at KTH Campus, Stockholm
- Workshop 10 May 2017 with TRF, SU and KTH
- Lectue and iLEAM Stockholm model laboration 8 May 2017 within the EESI programme course Natural Resources Management Tools (AL2300), KTH
- Model development for regional planning in the Stockholm Region. Workshop 27 September 2016 at KTH, Stockholm. TRF, WSP, UIUC, SU and KTH
- Planning of compact, low traffic, green cities. Workshop 6 May 2014 at KTH, Stockholm. Swedish Transport Agency, the Nordic Road Association, and KTH.
- Comparative cities and urban sustainability. Workshop October 1-4, 2012, at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Hållbara Stockholm - samhällsbyggnadsforskning i samverkan. Tvärdisciplinärt forskarnätverk i samverkan med Stockholmsregionen. Workshop 9 november 2011, Glashusett, Stockholm. [In Swedish].
- Stockholm LEAM Workshop - the Land Use Evolution and Impact Assessment Model, 19-20 September 2011, KTH, Stockholm.
Mörtberg, U., Goldenberg, R., Kalantari, Z., Kordas, O., Deal, B., Balfors, B. & Cvekovic, V. 2017. Integrating ecosystem services in the assessment of urban energy trajectories - A study of the Stockholm Region . Energy Policy 100: 338-349. |
Mörtberg, U., Haas, J., Zetterberg, A., Franklin, J., Jonsson, D. & Deal, B. 2013. Urban ecosystems and sustainable urban development – analysing and assessing interacting systems in the Stockholm region . Urban Ecosystems 16: 763-782. |