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What about Urban Nature - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Stockholm 2010 EU Green Capital

Publicerad 2010-09-02

The City of Stockholm has been awarded the first EU Green Capital 2010 by the EU Commission. On account of this, the City of Stockholm invites city officials, decision makers, researchers and anyone interested to a conference on urban nature. Urban nature maintains biodiversity and ecosystem services which are essential to humans, not at least in urban areas. The conference will focus on opportunities and methods to combine urban development, biodiversity and access to ecosystem services that urban nature can provide. The aim is to present good practises, and to give a platform for an exchange of experiences and to discuss future collaborations.

The conference is arranged by the City of Stockholm in cooperation with the Environmental Management and Assessment research group, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm. Partners are the Office of Regional Planning, Stockholm County Council, and the European Commission in Sweden.