Basic macroeconomics: Economic growth, inflation, unemployment, interest rates, consumption, savings, investments, productivity, current account, exchange rates, indebtedness, business cycles, fiscal policy, monetary policy, financial stability.
Real estate cycles and financial cycles: fluctuations in construction, property prices and financial asset prices, financial stability and financial bubbles.
After passing the course, the student should be able to:
- describe and explain different macroeconomic concepts
- describe, apply and compare various theories of causes of fluctuations in different macro- economic variables, including fluctuations in asset prices, and how economic stabilization policies can affect and be affected by different types of macroeconomic fluctuations
- describe and analyze relationships between financial cycles, real estate cycles and business cycles with empirical and theoretical models
- give examples of how knowledge in macroeconomics, real estate cycles and financial cycles can be used to analyze and develop activities that can lead to sustainable economic, environmental and social development
- produce and present investigations of economic fluctuations in order to give decision makers knowledge that can lead to more correct decision being made
- explain how gender, diversity and inequality issues are related to the business cycles and how to consider a potential impact from the sectoral perspective