The course consists of lectures and connected home assignments as well as seminars where the students orally present current research questions within the field of polymer chemistry.
Time required for course: INL1 – 110 hours, SEM1 – 50 hour
The graduate course in polymer chemistry aims to compare and discuss different polymerization processes with respect to chemical mechanisms and different steps, by-reactions and modifications which can occur. The course aims at giving knowledge and tools for designing new polymers. This is an advanced course in polymer chemistry which will give deepening and general knowledge in the chemistry, structure, production and modification processes of polymers. This is not a continuous course like the polymer chemistry course for undergraduate students, which aims at giving a comprehensive picture, but more of a methodology course which will supplement and deepen the knowledge acquired from the basic course. The course will stimulate to critical examination and discussion about actual synthesis routes in the field, existing as well as new ones. Each topic will be discussed in direct relation to the forefront research exploring the chemical pathways with ample examples from contemporary scientific advances.
KTH Campus
Normal Daytime
Places are not limited
Please note: all information from the Course syllabus is available on this page in an accessible format.
Course syllabus FKF3090 (Spring 2022–)The course consists of lectures and connected home assignments as well as seminars where the students orally present current research questions within the field of polymer chemistry.
Time required for course: INL1 – 110 hours, SEM1 – 50 hour
Different polymerization processes regarding chemical mechanisms and different steps, side-reactions and modifications are compared and discussed. The course aims at giving knowledge and tools for designing new polymers. This is an advanced course in polymer chemistry, which will furtherdeepen the knowledge in the chemistry, structure, production and modification processes of polymers. This is not a continuous course like the polymer chemistry course for undergraduate students, which aims at giving a comprehensive picture, but more of a methodology course, which will supplement and deepen the knowledge acquired from the basic course. The course will stimulate critical examination and discussion about actual synthesis routes in the field, existing as well as new ones.
After completion of the course the doctoral student should have the knowledge and ability to:
Eligible for studies at the third-cycle level as well as approved basic course in polymer chemistry.
Second cycle course in polymer chemistry/synthesis
If the course is discontinued, students may request to be examined during the following two academic years.
Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.
The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.
To pass the course the student must pass all home assignments and the oral presentation at the seminar.
At least 80% attendance at lectures
If the examination form is changed, the student will be examined according to the examination form that applied when the student was admitted to the course. If the course is completed, the student is given the opportunity to be examined on the course for another two academic years.
The course replaces the course F3E5001
Group size: 30