The aim of this course is to provide a broad introduction to the field of chemistry in order to obtain a deeper understanding of the structure of materials and their applications. The course is a solid basis for further studies within related fields especially thermodynamics, polymer technology, and metallic materials.
The course contains
- Stochiometry: chemical equations, oxidation and reduction, chemical reactions
- Chemical stucture: atomic and molecular orbitals, chemical bonding, Lewis structures, shape of molecules
- Thermodynamics: energy and enthalpy, heat capacity, entropy, Gibbs energy
After graduating from the course the students should be able to:
- Explain concepts and solve problems related to atomic structure and chemical bonds.
- Balance chemical equations and solve stoichiometric problems
- Explain thermodynamic concepts and solve thermodynamic problems
- Discuss materials from a chemical perspective
- Perform elementary chemical laboratory work with regard to the work environment, safety instructions, and safe handling of chemicals as well as compile and communicate the results in writing in a clear manner.
- Assimilate and reflect on information from a scientific context and summarize it for a specific target group.