The course content is structured around the implementation of a major change project. In parallel and integrated with the students' own work with the change project are lectures and seminars where theory is presented and discussed. Particular emphasis is placed on leadership theory / change management, organizational and business development, interactions between fields in Industrial management (systems perspective), sustainable development, and scientific and methodological approaches.
Implementation of a major change projects in industrial and technology intensive organizations.
Present findings and recommendations in the form of a comprehensive academic report.
Lectures and seminars are aimed at deepening of the knowledge of change management, systems perspective, sustainable development and the scientific approach.
Seminars, presentations, interim- and final reporting associated with their own change project given in front of course management and company representatives.
Seminars for evaluating other students' scientific work.
Continuous interaction with representatives of the companies that are the subject of the change project and its organizations (study visits, data collection and guest lectures).
Personal reflection and feedback through the work on the individual examination portfolio (including the task to individually discuss and exemplify the fulfillment of the course's specific learning outcomes).