If the course is discontinued, students may request to be examined during the following two academic years.
Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.
The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.
The course coordinator handles the degree project process: in consultation with examiner, appoints KTH supervisors, chooses fellow student reviewer of the degree project, and is responsible for registration and publication of the degree project
The criteria to pass degree project for engineering degree established by KTH are:
The literature study is well executed. Current research and development relevant to the work is presented in a clear manner. The selected method is well justified, based on science or proven experience and evaluated against other methods. Relevant knowledge from previous courses is adequately used.
The thesis task is handled autonomously and systematically, based on critical analysis and synthesis of relevant literature. The work demonstrates a holistic view. Relevant databases and search tools are used. The need for further knowledge is discussed.
Relevant complex phenomena, issues and situations are identified in the degree project. The work clearly shows that these are well managed and analysed, even if available information is limited. Adequate judgements related to the research questions and results are implemented.
The project plan was followed. An advanced project is carried out within the agreed time and with the methodology agreed upon. Any changes to the plan or the have been agreed, between student and supervisor. Resources and limitations in the study are clearly presented.
The chosen strategy is motivated and implemented so that developed and evaluated products, processes, methods, systems or technical solutions, are adapted to human needs and conditions. Consideration to relevant social aims is shown in such a way that the ability of future generations to meet their needs is not jeopardised.
The report is well organized and well-written, in a coherent language. The discussion on the conclusions is well motivated. The citations are relevant, phrased in the student's own wording, and well integrated. The oral presentation and the review, as well as the communication during the work, demonstrate the ability to present and sensitively discuss the work and its conclusions with different parties, such as employers, supervisors, teachers, researchers and students.
The degree project demonstrates judgement abilities, for example to explain, justify, criticize and recommend. Relevant topic-specific assessments based on science or proven experience have been made in the degree project. The degree project reflects on social and ethical aspects, unless this is shown to be irrelevant.
The student familiarizes him/herself with the task and demonstrates the ability to be a part of the working environment where the study was performed. The student demonstrates an ability to test, evaluate and also reject ideas and solutions in the discussions on the task. The student shows initiative and is open for supervision and criticism. The degree project is carried out largely independently.