Games in normal form:
- Pure and mixed strategies
- Nash equilibrium
- Dominance and rationalizability
- Imperfect information and Bayesian games
Games in extensive form:
- Pure, mixed, and behavioral strategies, Kuhnís theorem
- Perfect information: Nash equilibrium, subgame perfect equilibrium
- Imperfect information: sequential and perfect Bayesian equilibrium
Combinatorial game theory:
- impartial games: nim, nimber, Sprague-Grundy's theorem
- partizan games: Hackenbush, Conway's abstract theory, surreal numbers
- computational game theory: minimax method, alpha-beta pruning
The aim of the course is to give a basic understanding of game theory, and how it can be applied in different problem areas. The course deals with both classical game theory and combinatorial game theory.
After completing the course, the student shall be able to:
- use the appropriate method to analyze and find solutions for different two-person games,
- analyze multi-person games for the existence of stable solutions,
- describe combinatorial games and methods for playing them in an optimal way, and
- independently solve slightly more complex problems and present the results both orally and in writing.