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Number of hits: 5

  • NASA to use KTH technology to study solar impact on Earth

    When NASA launches four satellites next year to study the sun's impact on Earth's magnetic field, scientists will rely on engineering developed at KTH.

  • Researchers in final running to join NASA/ESA asteroid test

    In 2022, NASA plans to ram a 300kg spacecraft into an asteroid, while an ESA-built space probe orbits the egg-shaped body and records the aftermath. A team that includes KTH researchers is among the final five that are competing for their CubeSat designs to be included in ESA's Asteroid Impact Mission (AIM).

  • Space and Plasma Physics hosts IPELS 2009

    Space and Plasma Physics will host the 10th International Workshop on the Interrelationship between Plasma Experiments in Laboratory and Space (IPELS),

  • Students to fly rocket probe from Kiruna in 2010

    Six students from the Department of Space and Plasma Physics have been selected by ESA’s REXUS programme to fly a rocket probe from Kiruna. Now they must undertake a year’s training in space quality, design review and construction of the experiment.

  • Rymdsondflygning från Kiruna?

    Sex studenter från Rymd- och Plasmafysik kan få flyga sondraket från Kiruna 2010. De har nämligen gått vidare till sista urvalsrundan i ESA:s årliga REXUS-program.