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Innovation in Quantum Communication

A Workshop Exploring the Next Frontier

Waves crashing on a beach

Welcome to join this exploratory workshop, where we will delve into the latest trends and opportunities in quantum communication!

Time: Tue 2024-06-04 10.00 - 12.45

Location: KTH Innovation, Teknikringen 1

Language: English

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About the event

Quantum is like fusion; always just out of reach, but with the promise to change everything once it does arrive. Also like with fusion—where an actual reactor is being built right on KTH campus—KTH is very competitive, especially when it comes to quantum communication.

Quantum key distribution used to be science fiction, but what is happening now in the lab and what’s being implemented in testbeds all over Europe, will fundamentally change how we think about cyber security. Impact on priorities and roadmaps will be huge, both for startups and for established corporates. And more importantly: business opportunities will arise that we can’t even begin to imagine.

Welcome to join us in this workshop to explore the future of quantum communication, where innovation meets new horizons and boundaries are redefined!

Who should join?

This workshop, organized by the Quantum Sweden Innovation Platform (QSIP) in collaboration with the National Quantum Communication Infrastructure in Sweden (NQCIS), welcomes all stakeholders in the quantum communication ecosystem.

Whether you are a researcher in academia or corporate R&D, a master's student in quantum technology or related fields, or simply curious about the fascinating world of quantum communication, you are more than welcome!

In order to hit the ground running, we recommend reviewing this recent white paper within the field.


10:00 Doors open. Fika and mingle.

10:30 Act 1: Opening Panel
Gain insights from public sector, academia, and startup perspectives as we navigate the field of quantum communication.

  • Panelists

    • Katia Gallo, Professor at KTH and director of NQCIS
    • Beatriz Grafulla, Head of Emerging Compute, Ericsson RnD
    • Gemma Vall Llosera, Principal quantum engineer, Ericsson Innovation
    • Elena Dubrova, Professor at KTH, expert in hardware security and post quantum cryptography

11:15 Act 2: Waveguide : a simulation exercise

Facilitated in-depth discussion groups, driven by a scenario related to the topic. You’ll explore, discuss, and learn through collaborative problem-solving. Groups are arranged on-site.

12:15 Act 3: Closing panel

Concluding discussion over a lighter lunch with a collective reflection based on the insights from the break-out sessions.

  • Alessandro Prencipe, PhD, founder and CEO of LiNPhA
  • Max Widarsson, PhD, Founder and CEO of Svenska Laserfabriken
  • Marina Kudra, PhD, Application specialist, Intermodulation Products
  • Daniel Forchheimer, PhD, CEO Intermodulation Products
  • Josefin van der Meer, Program director civil-military innovation, Vinnova

12:45 End of program and mingle