Research collaboration on AI-models for document analysis
Haluk Akay. Photo: Tony Pulsone. Published Dec 07, 2023A new collaboration project between KTH Climate Action Centre and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) will investigate how large language models and designs can be applied to policy assessments and ...
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KTH Japan Day builds bridges through language, culture, and collaboration
Per Lundqvist, Pär Jönsson, Akiko Shirabe and other participants at KTH Japan Day. Published Dec 06, 2023When the Department of Language and Communication together with the Japanese Embassy in Sweden arranged KTH Japan Day on 27 November, a panel discussion was held in collaboration with KTH Climate Acti...
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Expanded nuclear power, what does it mean?
Photo: Jacob Madsen, Unsplash. Published Dec 04, 2023Hear Professor Göran Finnveden, interviewed on Swedish Radio's ”Godmorgon världen”, regarding the globally increasing interest in nuclear power.
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New seminar series about the Arctic launched at KTH Climate Action Centre!
Published Oct 23, 2023Advancing Sustainability in the Arctic and Beyond: Opportunities and Challenges in the Swedish North is a new open seminar series organised by the KTH Climate Action Center and the Environmental Human...
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Commentary: Sweden's emissions of carbon dioxide are increasing – how can they go down to zero?
KTH researchers Mattias Höjer and Göran Finnveden. Published Oct 23, 2023The Swedish government will present a climate action plan before the end of the year. The Climate Policy Council will then evaluate whether the action plan is sufficient to achieve the set goals. In a...
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Study: The transportation goal is impossible to reach without reduced car travel
Photo: Nabeel Syed, Unsplash Published Oct 17, 2023The Swedish parliament’s goal to reduce emissions from passenger cars by 70 percent from 2010 to 2030 will be unreachable unless the amount of passenger cars and their use is decreased, according to a...
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KTH Climate Action Centre at Forskarfredag 2023
Post-it notes with questions about the climate crisis written by students. Published Oct 06, 2023Every year, Forskarfredag (Researcher's Friday) takes place, a fair where students from 9th grade and high school get the opportunity meet researchers, and learn about their research projects. This ye...
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Dancers and composers interpret climate change research
NAVET, KTH Published Aug 22, 2023On the 5th of May, dancers and composers presented their work interpreting climate change research for a crowd at KTH Reactor Hall.
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A mission-driven approach to Climate Action research
A scientific-knowledge base generated for and resulting from global climate assessments provides a basis for understanding current gaps and limitations in the research process. Transdisciplinary ‘missions’ shaping new climate research are designed to address these limitations and provide solutions for policy streamlining while redefining the structure of existing research approaches. Image courtesy of the authors. Published Jun 29, 2023Building on KTH Climate Action centre's integrated approach to Climate Action research, and the possibility to bring together the five research schools at KTH, the researchers at the centre propose a ...
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KTH Climate Action Centre and RISE hosts workshop on materials and consumption
Mingle during the event Published Jun 02, 2023The multi-stakeholder workshop held at the Climate Action Centre house enabled researchers from different disciplines and industry partners to discuss how to address the sustainability challenges conn...
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Talking AI innovation in Sweden with Google CEO
KTH researchers meet Google’s CEO and the Swedish Prime Minister at Sagerska huset. Photo: Ninni Andersson/Regeringskansliet. Published May 26, 2023At a visit to Sweden, Google's CEO, Sundar Pichai, met with the Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and a handful of young researchers from KTH. KTH Climate Action Centre postdoc Haluk Akay was one of thes...
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Supply Chain Hackathon winners crowned!
Juryn och det vinnande laget. Published May 22, 2023KTH Climate Action Centre and KTH Foodtech organised a competition in May where students came together to develop solutions to reduce food waste. The two week long competition culminated in the compet...
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Student project initiates collaboration with UNOPS
KTH Climate Action Students at UNOPS. Published Apr 06, 2023In the first collaboration between KTH Climate Action Centre and UNOPS, students from the centre are developing a climate action module for UNOPS' sustainABLE tool. The module will help engineers, man...
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KTH Climate Action Centre gets funding from Formas communication call
”When is Earth too destroyed? Is it too late to save the climate? If not when will it be too late?” Climate Q's is a project focusing on young people's relation to climate action. Published Mar 22, 2023KTH Climate Action Centre is granted funding from Formas for the three-year long communication project ”Climate Q's”. A project that aims to increase the knowledge about climate action among young peo...
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Climate Politics in Action #5 Journalism, Climate and reporting on crises with Erika Bjerström
Published Mar 22, 2023On Wednesday March 15 Erika Bjerström, global climate correspondent at SVT, visited the Climate Action House for the fifth Climate Politics in Action event. Many different topics were discussed during...
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KTH researcher in SvD on AI and climate action
Published Feb 17, 2023KTH Climate Action Centre’s new postdoc Francesca Larosa is interviewed in SvD Näringsliv about how artificial intelligence (AI) can contribute to climate action. Above all, how AI can be used to deve...
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KTH Climate Action Centre welcomes Francesca Larosa as new postdoc
Francesca Larosa. Published Feb 06, 2023First postdoc of 2023 at KTH Climate Action Centre is Francesca Larosa, previously postdoc research fellow at University College London. Combining Artificial intelligence and climate action research, ...
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KTH Climate Action Centre students visit ENGIE in Paris
Siddharth Pandit and Jithin Jomy with people from the energy company ENGIE in Paris. Published Feb 03, 2023The KTH students Siddharth and Jithin develop an assessment tool for energy practitioners. As part of their education, they traveled to Paris for a collaboration with the French energy company ENGIE.
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Replacing wood and charcoal stoves in Africa could save half a millions lives every year
A new study assigns actual value to the negative aspects of traditional cooking methods in the developing world, including lost time due to collecting wood or other burnable biomass. Pictured, women carry firewood for cooking at home in Kenya. (Photo: Youssef Boulkaid) Published Jan 12, 2023Half a million lives could be saved each year in sub-Saharan Africa by taking action to reduce reliance on traditional wood- and charcoal-burning stoves, a new study shows.
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KTH Climate Action Centre partner up with Stockholm Environment Institute
KTH Climate Action Centre and Stockholm Environment Institute held a joint workshop on 9 December. Photo: Alma Berggren Ek. Published Dec 21, 2022Co-creation and new solutions are the focus of the new research collaboration between KTH Climate Action Centre and the environmental research institute SEI. The common goal is to speed up the climate...
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