New report from IPCC: Immediate action and collaboration needed
Image source: IPCC Published Mar 01, 2022The UN’s Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released a new report on adaptations needed to stop climate change. The report present lifestyle changes and adaptations that can be implem...
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Follow Climate Action Centre on Instagram
Published Feb 18, 2022KTH Cimate Action Centre has launched an Instagram account. KTH Climate Action Centre's Instagram account will provide the latest information and updates about climate initiatives, upcoming events and...
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Meet our new student staff members
Alma Berggren Ek, Helena Glisén and Oscar Stenström. Published Feb 02, 2022KTH Climate Action has hired three students, Alma, Oscar, and Helena. The new student staff members’ work will be focused on communication around the competence centre’s activities and events. Here th...
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Climate Action Centre to host seminar during the Olympic Games
Photo: Simon Connellan, Unsplash Published Jan 27, 2022During the Olympic Games, the KTH Climate Action Centre will host a seminar at the Sweden Arena about sports and the climate. The aim of the seminar is to spread information about how sports affect th...
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Billions for innovative materials
Three different versions transparent wood, one of the innovative materials that researchers at KTH works with. Published Nov 30, 2021The Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse (KAW) is investing over SEK 3 billion in materials research with the aim of enabling a more sustainable society. The money will be shared between KTH and five ...
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He examines adaptations in society to climate change during times of deep uncertainty
Per Wikman Svahn undersöker risker och däribland hur vi kan anpassa samhället till de stigande havsnivåerna. (Foto: Hanna Kalla) Published Nov 17, 2021Per Wikman Svahn is a researcher at the Division of Philosophy and examines, among other things, decision-making strategies during times of deep uncertainty, philosophical aspects of worst-case scenar...
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Economics researcher: Invest more in the climate
The expansion of charging points is a key part of the transition to electric vehicles. (PHOTO: GAMMA-MAN/Mostphotos) Published Nov 03, 2021Larger investments in the climate even if it means less money for other things now, but that can easily profit future generations. This is an important step along the way to meet Sweden’s climate goal...
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'Consuming more won’t make us any happier'
“We are facing major systemic changes. We have entered a new renaissance. Sustainability is increasingly proving to be the way forward towards modern welfare, that which can result in more stable societies and by extension, more peaceful times,” says Johan Rockström, climate researcher and Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Photo: Fredrik Persson Published Jun 29, 2021As a diligent debater on environment issues, climate researcher Johan Rockström has long warned that climate changes on Earth are leading towards a global crisis. Today, he is a director of one of th...
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Francesco Fuso-Nerini receives teacher award
Published Jun 16, 2021He conducts extensive and pioneering sustainability-related education and research, and has started international collaborations spanning over many research areas. For that Francesco Fuso-Nerini at th...
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Science that ‘hits the spot’ for peace, sustainable development
Preparing for planting in an irrigated field in Morocco, one of several arid countries where researchers from KTH's division of Energy Systems work with local officials to help them balance the countries natural resources. (Photo: SuSanA Secretariat/Lydia Herrmann CC by 2.0) Published Nov 10, 2020On UN World Science Day for Peace and Sustainable Development, Francesco Fuso-Nerini reflects on the importance of scientific research to inform decision-making and international cooperation.
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