Converting research into climate action
Photo: Margot Richard, Unsplash. Published Dec 13, 2022Climate Action Centre's multidisciplinary research team has written a comment piece on how interdisciplinary research can be brought together and contribute to climate action on a larger scale in soci...
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Meet our new postdocs
Haluk Akay and Daniel Adshead, postdocs at KTH Climate Action Centre. Published Nov 30, 2022In 2022, KTH Climate Action Centre got its first two postdoctoral researchers, Daniel Adshead and Haluk Akay. Daniel focuses on the role of climate mitigation and adaptation policy in achieving global...
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Big interest for the COP 27 hubs around the world
Erica-Dawn Egan, Sustainbility Strategist, and Karin Larsdotter, Deputy Director at KTH Climate Action Centre that hosts the hub in Stockholm. Published Nov 10, 2022Millions follow the broadcasts from We Don't Have Time's COP 27 hubs in Stockholm, Nairobi and Washington, D.C.
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COP27 hub on Campus
Published Oct 14, 2022During the UN's annual climate conference COP27 on November 8–17, KTH Climate Action Centre hosts a hub in Stockholm together with the organisation We Don't Have Time. A series of seminars and activit...
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New Report: Digital Reset. Redirecting Technologies for the Deep Sustainability Transformation.
Published Sep 29, 2022New report provides a comprehensive analysis of opportunities, risks and governance options regarding digitalisation and sustainability.
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New research projects and a new house for KTH Climate Action Centre
Part of KTH Climate Action Centre's multidisciplinary faculty in front of the new house. Published Sep 15, 2022On September 14, all faculty affiliated to KTH Climate Action Centre was gathering for the first time for a workshop and mingle. At the same time, the centre’s new venue at Teknikringen 43 was inaugur...
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Climate Politics in Action #3 Cities, EU and the elections with Katarina Luhr
Published Sep 08, 2022Wednesday 7th September Katarina Luhr (MP), vice-mayor for Climate and Environment in the municipality of Stockholm, came to the Climate Action house for the third Climate Politics in Action event. Ma...
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New book about the energy of the future
Fgures from the anthology ”Mot framtidens energi – den osynliga revolutionen bakom eluttaget” ("Towards the Energy of the Future – the Invisible Revolution Behind the Power Outlet"). Published Aug 26, 2022Researchers from KTH, together with the association Vetenskap & Allmänhet, have recently published the book ”Mot framtidens energi – den osynliga revolutionen bakom eluttaget”. In the book, researcher...
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New research highlights the importance of targeted climate adaptation
Results of the global application of the framework presented in the publication. The results show sectoral risks from climatic impact-drivers and their potential influence on SDG target achievement. Published Aug 03, 2022A recently published research paper demonstrates that without targeted climate adaptation, impacts of climate change can threaten the achievement of the 169 SDG targets.
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Sustainable planet, sustainable health
Photo: Erica-Dawn Egan. KTH:s session was moderated by Karin Larsdotter (far left) and the panel consisted of Magnus Burman, Karin Bradley, Göran Lindbergh, Michael Svärd, Pernilla Bergmark and Maria Xylia. Published Jun 02, 2022On 1 June, KTH hosted an event on the topic of accelerating the transition to sustainable production and consumption. The event was part of a one-day conference organised by KTH in collaboration with ...
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Researchers and high school students discussed the Global Goals during Stockholm Summit 2022
Photo: Brita Lundström Published Jun 01, 2022Francesco Fuso-Nerini, director at KTH Climate Action Centre, recently participated in an interdisciplinary event focused on the Global Goals (SDGs). The event took place during Stockholm Summit 2022 ...
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KTH Climate Action Centre mobilises forces
“At this point, we know which paths lead to a safer climate. We have most of the technologies we need to achieve the climate goals. Now we need to create a series of infrastructural and societal changes in order to reach the finish line. That is the goal of our research at KTH’s Climate Action Centre,” says Francesco Fuso Nerini, Director of the centre. (Photo: Mostphotos) Published May 11, 2022Global environmental action is headed in the right direction, but it’s progressing too slowly, states Francesco Fuso Nerini, Director of KTH Climate Action Centre. “We need a swift and radical reduct...
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KTH partners with the World Bank in supporting energy access and climate action planning
Global Electrification Platform, sample results for Ethiopia. Published May 06, 2022A new collaboration between KTH Climate Action Centre, the KTH division of Energy Systems and the World Bank will support countries working with the World Bank to align electrification targets with th...
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Climate Politics in Action #2 with Rickard Nordin
Rickard Nordin visits Climate Action House. Published May 05, 2022Swedish climate policy was the topic for the second event in the series “Climate Politics in Action”. Students had the opportunity to ask questions to the Center Party's climate and energy policy spok...
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Climate Politics in Action with Pär Holmgren
Published Apr 12, 2022Climate Action Center recently organized the first in a series of events called “Climate Politics in Action”. During the event, KTH students were able to particiapte in a conversation about climate po...
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The stock market makes a contribution to climate action
The diploma session was an opportunity for the three organisations to meet each other and the responsible for the initiative at Nordnet. Foto: ITM. Published Apr 04, 2022KTH Climate Action Centre, The Keep Sweden Tidy Foundation and The Baltic Salmon Foundation have each received a third of a donation from the digital bank Nordnet and its customers. On April 1, it was...
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We know what we should be doing to solve the climate crisis, why are we not doing it?
Figure: Synergies and trade-offs between climate action and the SDGs Targets. (Source: Fuso Nerini et al, Connecting climate action with other Sustainable Development Goals, Nature Sustainability 2019) Published Apr 04, 2022Today, April 4, IPCC Working Group III has released its long-awaited Sixth Assessment Report. The report urges for system-level climate action and focuses on the transformative changes needed to achie...
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Call for two postdocs with connection to Climate Action Centre
Published Mar 25, 2022We are happy to announce two 2-year postdoc positions on the environmental impacts of digitalisation based on life-cycle assessment. The positions are a cooperation between KTH Climate Action Centre, ...
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ICON Magazine interviews Francesco Fuso-Nerini
Francesco Fuso-Nerini. Photo: Anders Lindén for ICON Magazine. Published Mar 15, 2022Francesco Fuso-Nerini, director of KTH Climate Action Centre, is featured in the latest issue of the Scandinavian Lifestyle magazine ICON Magazine. In the article, Francesco discusses KTH Climate Acti...
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The role of digitalization in achieving the climate goals
Workshop participants from KTH Climate Action Centre and Digital Futures. Published Mar 11, 2022KTH Climate Action Centre has arranged its first workshop in collaboration with the interdisciplinary research centre Digital Futures. The workshop focused on how digitalization can help fight climate...
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