Multimodal Traffic Management 2 (MMTL2)
The project aims to improve the efficiency of transportation systems through improved multimodal traffic management. It also focuses on developing new methods for estimating multimodal demand as well as transport mode and route choice during incidents, enabling better incident management through multimodal traffic management.
The Multimodal Traffic Management 2 (MMTL2) project aims to improve the efficiency of transportation systems through improved multimodal traffic management. The project focuses on developing new methods for estimating multimodal demand as well as transport mode and route choice during incidents, enabling better incident management through multimodal traffic management.
The project builds on the data sets, data structures, and methods adapted for traffic management developed in the MMTL project. It is expected to produce proposals for new methods for estimating and understanding multimodal travel for use in traffic management. The results can be used to develop new functions related to traffic management for both road and public transport. The project is expected to also develop methods and tools for multimodal management of incidents that affect several modes of transport, where mode shifts of targeted mobility flows can reduce delays and improve robustness of the whole transport system.

The project is funded by Trafikverket via Centre for Traffic Research (CTR) and is carried out as a doctoral project with collaboration between LiU, KTH and Trafik Stockholm.