SMART 1 & 2- Simulation and Modelling of Autonomous Road Transport
There is a large interest for automation of the road traffic system. Both vehicle industry, road administrators and other authorities have high expectations on automatization and hope that it can contribute to make the traffic system safer, more efficient and environmental friendly. The technological development runs at a high pace, but there is limited knowledge of which effects automatization might have on the traffic system. Traffic simulation is a powerful and common tool to study the effects on the traffic system resulting from changes in infrastructure and traffic control or introduction of advanced driver support systems. However, to enable analysis of traffic system effects of automated vehicles, todays traffic simulation models need to be enhanced and extended.
The aim of the project is to enhance and further develop todays state-of-the-art traffic models in order to enable analysis of future traffic systems. The project consists of two PhD projects, one focusing on microscopic traffic simulation and the behaviour of and interaction between conventional and automated vehicles, and one focusing on mesoscopic simulation and fleets of automated vehicles. The project is carried out by VTI, KTH and LiU and is funded by Trafikverket via Centre for Traffic Research (CTR).