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GIS-based methods for sustainable wind power planning

The project contributes to regional and municipal cooperation around sustainable wind power planning, with focus on municipal comprehensive planning.

Project leader: Ulla Mörtberg

Project participants: Deepa Manolan Kandy, Gustaf Byström, Maya Johansson

Partners: KTH and the County Administrative Board of Västernorrland County (Länsstyrelsen i Västernorrlands län)

Funding: The project is funded by the Swedish Energy Agency and supported by StandUp for Energy

Project period: 2016-2019

Project description

Wind power is an important renewable energy source that can mitigate climate change. Simultaneously wind power plants can conflict with other sustainability aspects and interests, such as biodiversity, recreation and reindeer herding. These aspects need to be integrated in planning in order to reach sustainable decision making concerning wind power development. For this purpose, different relevant data and knowledge must be integrated in a systematic way, as well as models for habitat for sensitive species, recreation values and noise distribution in landscapes. The aim is to integrate these in GIS-based tools for decision support, which will be developed in collaboration with regional and municipal actors and researchers. The study area is the County of Västernorrland and selected municipalities therein. The project is expected to contribute to regional and municipal cooperation around sustainable wind power planning, with focus on municipal comprehensive planning.


  • Vind-GIS workshop 2018-10-26 in Härnösand
  • Vind-GIS workshop 2018-06-12 in Härnösand
  • Seminar 31 May 2018:  by Professor Johann Köppel, TU-Berlin
  • Wind-GIS reference group meeting 2017-10-31 at KTH, Stockholm
  • Oral presentation at the workshop on green infrastructure arranged by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency 2017-10-18 in Stockholm
  • Oral presentation at the conference Vind 2017, 2017-10-11 in Stockholm
  • Wind-GIS workshop 2017-09-29 in Härnösand
  • Oral presentation at the Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts, CWW 2017, 6-8 September in Estoril, Portugal
  • Wind-GIS webinar 2017-09-25 on methods and tools
  • Wind-GIS reference group meeting 2017-04-24 at KTH, Stockholm
  • GIS-based tools for sustainable wind power planning - the case of Västernorrland County. Workshop 31 January 2017 in Härnösand, Sweden
  • Wind-GIS kick-off meeting 2016-11-14 in Härnösand


2017 Byström, G., Mörtberg, U. and Johansson, M. 2017. GIS-baserade metoder för hållbar planering av vindkraft - Grön infrastruktur . Oral presentation at the Workshop on green infrastructure and nature conservation measures, 18 October 2017, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, in Stockholm, Sweden [in Swedish].
2017 Byström, G. and Mörtberg, U. 2017. GIS-metoder för hållbar planering av vindkraft . Oral presentation at the conference Vind 2017, 11-12 October 2017 in Stockholm, Sweden [in Swedish].
2017 Byström, G., Mörtberg, U. and Johansson, M. 2017. GIS-based methods for sustainable wind power planning . Oral presentation at the Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts, CWW 2017 Estoril, 6-8 September in Estoril, Portugal.
2016 Byström, G., Wretling, V., Mörtberg, U. and Johansson, M. 2016. GIS-based methods for sustainable wind power planning. Poster presented at StandUp Academy 5 December 2016, KTH, Stockholm.
2016 Byström, G., Wretling, V., Mörtberg, U. and Johansson, M. 2016. GIS-based methods for sustainable wind power planning. Poster presented at KTH Energy Dialogue 24 November 2016, KTH, Stockholm.