Transforming Practices
LCA perspectives on filmproduction within the context of performative artistic research. A collaboration between Anna Björklund, associate professor/docent, Dept. of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED), KTH and Lina Persson, senior researcher, Department of film and media, Stockholm Uniarts.
In this collaboration between we aim to monitor and evaluate the life cycle climate impact of practices in film and media, in research and education at Stockholm Uniarts on two levels, on an individual researcher’s level and on an organisational level with student’s teams.
As a first step, we will monitor and evaluate the impact of these artistic processes and as a second step we will develop new tools and documents that can support students in shifting their productions towards films with smaller climate footprint. The tools will enable the students to carry out performative productions, using their creativity to stay within set sustainability limitations, finding new ways to make films and to let, the story, the experience, of that process accompany them in the coming productions.
The joint conclusions of the collaboration will be interwoven with Persson’s research project Climate-Just Worldings where the performativity of fictional story-worlds and how they can interact with an organization’s reality is explored.
One of the main results of the project was Elsa, a climate calculator for the Swedish film industry .
Lina Persson, SKH,
Anna Björklund, KTH.
External advisor: Ronny Fritsche, miljöstrateg på Film i Väst.