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Procurement for Sustainable Food Consumption

Population growth and urbanization has led to an increase in resource intensive and energy rich foods, where the public sector accounts for a large share of food consumption. This research project analyses the criteria that can be used in public procurement to influence sustainability of food consumption and production.

Project name and -number: Procurement for Sustainable Food Consumption (2017-00536)
Project leader: Anna Björklund, Michael Martin, Sven-Olof Ryding
Participating universities/companies/other organisations: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, IVL Swedish Environmental Reserach Institute
Project period: 2018-2021
Financing: Formas

The overall aim of this project is to strengthen sustainable public procurement (SPP) as a tool for more sustainable food production and consumption, by analyzing and reviewing the influence of sustainability criteria in public procurement of food to promote sustainable food production and consumption throughout the life cycle. The goal is to develop and improve current criteria used for sustainable public procurement of food based on scientific knowledge, stakeholder dialogue and collaboration, leading to better choices and sustainable food and meals in the public sector.


Elvira Molin
Elvira Molin Profile