Mistra InfraMaint
Project name : Mistra InfraMaint
Project leader KTH: David Nilsson, KTH
Participating universities/companies/organisations: RISE, Chalmers, Linköpings universitet, VTI, Lunds tekniska högskola, Sweden Water Research, KTH Kungliga tekniska högskolan, IQ Samhällsbyggnad, NTNU, Sintef et al.
Project period: 2019–2022
Financing: Mistra
Mistra InfraMaint is a research programme focusing on smart maintenance. It's vision is a sustainable infrastructure that is safe and available around the clock.
Projects in the programme who are managed by KTH:
Reduced life cycle impacts of future infrastructure maintenance
Systems logic and business model alignment in smart maintenance of infrastructure
More about Mistra InfraMaint on mistrainframaint.se
Project coordination