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John Leander

Profile picture of John Leander


About me

Professor in Structural Engineering specialised in assessing structures' safety and remaining service life. The research is aimed at civil engineering structures in steel with a focus on fatigue, sensor-based data collection, and probabilistic analyses.

A list of publications can be found here: Publications

Supervised doctoral students

Liv Breivik, Machine learning for deterioration prediction based on digital information streams (Bridgitise).

Fatiha El Azrak, Wind induced vibrations of bridge components.

Marcel Hofstetter, Bridges in steel for high speed railways.

Bowen Meng, Internet of Things and AI for monitoring of bridges.

Juan Camilo Avendaño Castillo, Condition assessment of bridges based on image analysis and machine learning. Licentiate thesis

Roya Meydani, Condition assessment and decision support considering maintenance actions for infrastructure owners. Licentiate thesis

Ruoqi Wang, Risk- and reliability-based assessment of existing steel bridges. Doctoral thesis

Oskar Skoglund, Innovative structural details for improved production efficiency in the construction of steel bridges. Doctoral thesis


Advanced Bridge Design (AF2203), teacher | Course web

Applied Statistics (SF1910), teacher | Course web

Bridge Design (AF2201), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Buildings and Civil Engineering Structures (AF1002), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Constructional Engineering and Design, First Cycle (AF179X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Structural Engineering and Bridges, Second Cycle (AF223X), examiner | Course web

Research within Civil and Architectural Engineering (FAF3008), examiner | Course web

Steel- and Timber Structures (HS1021), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Structural Engineering 1 (AF1746), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web