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HL2032 Medical Engineering, Project Course 9.0 credits

Course memo Autumn 2021-51626

Version 1 – 08/20/2021, 11:33:43 AM

Course offering

Autumn 2021-1 (Start date 30/08/2021, English)

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

CBH/Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems

Course memo Autumn 2021

Headings denoted with an asterisk ( * ) is retrieved from the course syllabus version Autumn 2019

Content and learning outcomes

Course contents

The project work will be to construct a prototype fulfilling certain requirements. The work will be performed in groups and presented orally and written

Intended learning outcomes


This course is offered at the end of the master programme in Medical Engineering

As an engineer you need to be able to integrate skills and knowledge from different courses within this programme. It is also expected from you to be able to construct a product or prototype from a given, not completely finished, specification of requirement, both as participant and as a project manager. To manage this you will also need to acquire new information and knowledge, which is a life-long process.

Main Objectives

The aim of this course is to give you skills to participate in and conduct a practical design project.

This means that you should be able to integrate and deepen your knowledge from earlier or parallel going courses in a complex problem.

Since the task will be chosen from the area of medical engineering you might need to apply your medical knowledge.

The result of this course will be a prototype which fulfils certain requirements and a correct report describing the product and the process of the project as well as an oral presentation.

Expected skills

After passing the course the student should be able to:

•Participate in and conduct project groups with similar problems

•Show an analytic ability by dividing a larger problem into smaller sub problems

•Show the ability to use relevant prerequisites to solve the task

•Show ability to independently search or ask for relevant information to solve the task

o Interpret data sheets and technical manuals

o Use resource persons to acquire searched


•Orally present a technical product and discuss the work

•Be able to produce a well disposed technical report with good linguistic and scientific quality

•Show the ability to review your own and others work

For higher grades it is also required that the student

•Can suggest several alternative solutions to a given problem and chose the best one from certain criteria

•Can make assumptions of performance or inaccuracy in the constructed prototype

•Can suggest  improvements of the presented construction that could be implemented in a later version

  • Have shown a large degree of independence

Detailed plan

Learning activities Content Preparations
F1 (31/8)

Introduction to the course

F2 (1/9)

Project management - Agile development

Group Exercise (1/9) 

Electronic design and PCB editing

Group Exercise (2/9) Electronic design and PCB editing  
Group Exercise (3/9) Electronic design and PCB editing  
F3 (7/9)

Project management II - Design thinking

F4 (8/9) Q/A

Electronic desing, PCB editing and 3D Design

Supervision (10/9)

First project meeting

F5 (14/9)


Supervision (17/9)

Second project meeting

F6 (21/9)

Report writing 

Supervision (24/9)

Project meeting


Supervision (1/10)

Project meeting

Supervision (8/10)

Project meeting

Seminar (15/10)

Half time examination 

Supervision (5/11)

Project meeting

F7 (8/11)


Supervision (9/11)

Project meeting

F8 (16/11)


Supervision (19/11)

Project meeting

Supervision (26/11)

Project meeting

Supervision (2/12)

Project meeting

Supervision (7/12)

Project meeting

Supervision (16/12)

Project meeting

Seminar (10/1)

Final seminar

Examination (11/1)

Final examination


Schema HT-2021-891

Preparations before course start

Specific preparations

The student should have knowledge in project management and experience in project based work form previous courses and be able to write a technical report and have basic knowledge of electrical engineering, computing, microcomputer technology, communication and control technology.


There is no particular textbook for this course. You'll probably have use for literature from earlier studies. Further, you will need to use manuals, articles and other literature that can not be identified in advance. You will have to ask and seek what is required to solve the task.


However, for the project part, I would recommend "SCRUM and XP from the trenches" by Henrik Kniberg ISBN 978-1-320-22427-8 is available for free on


You will have access to our Maker Space after an introduction (and some paper signing) with Linus Remahl The MakerSpace currently consist of a crafting studio where you find traditional tools for crafting, an embedded studio for IoT and mechatronics, a software studio for software development and finally a 3D studio with 3D printers, lasercutter and PCB manufacturing. 

For PCB manufacturing, we use a cutter and not liquids. You provide a basis for the production by Linus. A certain lead time is therefore needed. See also below regarding the software. PCB designers are in great demand in the market!

To gain access to the MakerSpace the group needs to book an appointment with Linus. Do this on one of the tutors scheduled.

For lab purposes and early prototypes used breadboard and experimental cards in the first place, but you can also make temporary boards.


Examination and completion

Grading scale

A, B, C, D, E, FX, F


  • PRO1 - Project, 9.0 credits, Grading scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.

The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.

The section below is not retrieved from the course syllabus:

Project ( PRO1 )

Ethical approach

  • All members of a group are responsible for the group's work.
  • In any assessment, every student shall honestly disclose any help received and sources used.
  • In an oral assessment, every student shall be able to present and answer questions about the entire assignment and solution.

Further information

No information inserted

Round Facts

Start date

Missing mandatory information

Course offering

  • Autumn 2021-51626

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

CBH/Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems


Course Coordinator

