The course consists of lectures, seminars, project work.
It focuses on international project management theory, international project management practice, and the application of theory and practice in the implementation of an international project.
KTH Campus
Autumn 2024: P2 (3.5 hp)
Spring 2025: P3 (4.0 hp), P4 (7.5 hp)
Normal Daytime
Min: 10
Open for all programmes as long as it can be included in your program.
The course is given provided that at least ten students accepts an offered place.
Please note: all information from the Course syllabus is available on this page in an accessible format.
Course syllabus AI2151 (Spring 2021–)The course consists of lectures, seminars, project work.
It focuses on international project management theory, international project management practice, and the application of theory and practice in the implementation of an international project.
After completing this course, the student should be able to
1. show knowledge of the theory of international project management
2. demonstrate the ability to search, collect and use relevant information critically and identify any need of additional knowledge
3. demonstrate the ability to formulate, assess and handle problems and critically discuss phenomena, issues and situations relevant for international project management
4. demonstrate the ability to plan and with applicable methods carry out project tasks, within given time frames
5. demonstrate the ability to orally and in writing, account for and discuss information, problem and solutions in dialogue with project stakeholders
6. demonstrate the ability to analyzethe course content from an ethical and sustainability perspective
120 hp and documented english proficiency equivalent to ‘English B’.
Please note: Students who apply must get a written confirmation from the study counselor at their own master program that they can take the course. After application, interviews are performed by the course responsible before final admission to the course.
If the course is discontinued, students may request to be examined during the following two academic years.
Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.
The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.
The course is given provided that at least ten students accepts an offered place.