This is a practically oriented course in the development of mobile applications, including data mining techniques, for sports and health. The following topics are included in the course:
· How mobile applications can be used in sports and health.
· Common mobile platforms, such as smartphones, tablets, smart watches and bracelets, and wearables.
· Hardware, operating systems, and development tools for mobile platforms as well as API:s for third party tools.
· Mobile application programming:
o Application components
o User interfaces
o Handling of persistent data
o Sensors in mobile devices
- Platform-independent development
- Cloud and messaging services for mobile systems
- The usage of camera for video analysis
After successful completion of the course the student will be able to:
· design and develop applications for mobile devices, both self-contained and those that communicate over networks, including the ability to consider hardware and network limitations during design
· develop usage-tailored user interfaces for mobile devices and judge whether they are sufficiently functional for their intended use.
· develop mobile phone software that uses both internal and external sensors, such as GPS, accelerometer, wearables, and camera.
· describe several cloud and messaging services for mobile devices in connection with data analysis for sports and health applications.
· apply existing data analysis methods on sensor data to find patterns and insights for sports and health
For higher grades it is also required that the student
• has the ability to explain, analyze, and critically evaluate some recent trends within the area of mobile applications for sports and health
• demonstrate a large degree of independence and ability to present one’s own work