the course is implemented in project groups with 3-8 students. After an introduction including modelling methods as well as project management the groups are assigned project works related to the development of new electric power technology components and systems. Course's main implementation happens through work with these. Since the different project assignments require different knowledge, the first task is to identify the specific knowledge need in each individual project group. Gathering of necessary knowledge comes partly through direct participation in the given courses, but it is in many cases necessary to by oneself find and absorb these knowledge that is available in the form of course material for the given courses.
Another task is that within the group distribute the work, to acquire the for the project necessary knowledge as well as to make a time planning for implementation of project. The project assignments consist of theoretically investigate whether a proposed technical solution of a problem related to an electric power technology component or a system is possible to implement practically. This study shall then be verified experimentally by means of a scaled down conceptual prototype, a physical arrangement, or computer simulation.
To limit the extent of the experimental part, the theoretical study is used to identify what is critical for the proposal solution to be implemented in a practical application. Since limited resources are available for the experimental work, it is necessary to use and interpret the results that come from the theoretical study.