The course is covering some key references in organizational theory and institutional analysis. Students are preparing for seminars by reading and preparing questions for discussion about main arguments put forward in the literature, choice of empirical case studies and synthesis of conclusions drawn from the readings and implication on the students' own area of work. The seminars are based on lectures and students' own review of the course literature. The lectures and seminars are encompassing themes in studies of organizations and institutions, experiences from international empirical studies, and studies from the Nordic innovation landscape. The seminars with theoretical focus that are included in the course as well as some more theoretical components of thelectures are adressing: structure of organizations, interactions between and within organizations; institutions (rules, norms and cognitive categories), processes of change within and between organizations. Students' course essays are presented at seminars and students are also opponent to two other students' essays. The presentation seminar will provide opportunity to discuss central themes adressed during the course and also reflect on how they relate to the doctoral students' own topic for their doctoral thesis.
Seminars and lectures are based on the course literature dealing with themes including:
- Organizations: institutions, change/stability, and institutional logics
- Concepts of institutions, networks, organizational fields, sectors and markets
- Interaction between organizations: collaboration between university and private sector
- Organizations and emerging technology with examples from history of science and technolog
Lectures on these themes also includes presentations by invited external scholars.