The course has an umbrella structure containing four modules:
- Research ethics and role in society
- Critical review and evaluation
- Broad knowledge in physics
- Presentation
Each of these modules can be passed in different ways in order to accommodate the large variety of traditions and academic environments present in the physics program. In order to collect a large part of the course goals into one structure, an annual PhD student physics conference is organized. At this conference, the students will present their work. To fulfil modules 3 and 4, senior students will give invited general talks about a number of front line research topics. The conference will also serve as course introduction.
The content of the course can be broken down to:
- General knowledge of the goal for PhD-studies
- Basics of ethical issues in research
- Research front-line phenomena in physics
- Critical review of others' research
- Organization of and participation in a conference in physics for the PhD-students in the program
The aim of the course is to certify that all PhD-students in the program have a common base of knowledge and understanding, skills and abilities, ethical values and attitudes at the profound level required for a PhD degree. In particular, the course shall give the PhD-students the skills and abilities to analyse, and in a constructive and critical manner review others work of research. This course, together with the other courses taken by the student, the thesis and its public defense aim at ensuring that the formal requirements as stipulated by regulations ("examensordning" at KTH) are satisfied. By taking this course the student shall be able to:
- demonstrate a wide knowledge in physics and a systematic understanding of the field
- demonstrate the ability of scientific analysis and synthesis, independent critical review and assessment of new issues and situations
- demonstrate intellectual independence, scientific integrity and the ability to make ethical assessments in research
- demonstrate deeper insight in the possibilities and limitations of science, its role in society and human responsibility for its use
- demonstrate the ability to present clear and concise, oral and written presentations and discussion of research and research results
- demonstrate knowledge and awareness of ethical issues in research