• Basic electromagnetic ideas. Laws of Faraday, Ampère and Gauss. Some properties of common transmissions lines. Basic antenna theory in EMC.
• Non ideal passive components. Spectrum of signals. Electromagnetic emission and immunity. Overhearing.
• Suppression techniques. Design for immunity. Some ideas about shielding and grounding.
• EMC regulation and testing.
The main purpose of the course is to provide good knowledge about sources of electromagnetic distortion and about known methods to restrain them. Additionally, it shall provide knowledge of CE marking of electronic products in Europe
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
• recognise the source of electromagnetic distortion
• estimate or evaluate the magnitude of emissions and interferences
• alternate an electronic circuit to eliminate or decrease the electromagnetic emission and interference.
• choose the best techniques and devices to suppress electromagnetic disturbances and apply them properly in electronic equipment or systems.
• estimate the need of the CE certificate for the electronic device, equipment or system and estimate if it fulfils the conditions
After completing the course with the best result, the student should also be able to:
• investigate the complex electronic system and suggest the necessary protection to eliminate or suppress the electromagnetic emission and interference
• redesign the electronic device, equipment or system to protect it against electromagnetic emission and interference