The upper secondary school from 1 July 2011 and adult education at upper secondary level from July 2012 (GY2011):
Completed upper secondary education including documented proficiency in Swedish corresponding to Swedish B and English corresponding to English A.
Specific requirements; Physics 2, Chemistry 1 and Mathematics 3c, with at least the grade Pass.
The upper secondary school before 1 July 2011 and adult education at upper secondary level before July 2012:
Completed upper secondary education including documented proficiency in Swedish corresponding to Swedish B and English corresponding to English A.
Specific requirements of mathematics, physics and chemistry corresponding to Mathematics D, Physics B and Chemistry A, as well as 10 university credits (hp) in chemistry.
KH1123 General Chemistry 1
KH1124 General Chemistry 2
You can find information about course literature either in the course memo for the course offering or in the course room in Canvas.