The practical training is a workplace-based course where students at the degree programme in Chemical Engineering have at least 5 weeks of internship at a company or agency. Part-time work that has been accomplished in addition to the studies can be approved as an internship but must correspond to a five-week full-time internship ie. a total of 200 hours to be approved.
The course consists of three parts, an introductory part that results in an approved work plan, the workplace-based part - the internship during which the student reflects on his or her experiences in a logbook and a final part in which the student reports the study at an oral presentation.
The course includes the student's responsibility to make contact and arrange an appropriate employer (such as a company, municipality, other authority, manufacturing industry, etc.) in good time. The student shall present a proposal for a suitable study object. The employer must accept the proposal and then it must also be approved by the examiner. The chosen task should be relevant to the education. The object can be studied by studying different documents and interviewing various executives in the workplace. The task studied at the employer may vary depending on the trade, the size of the employer and more.
The course works as a regular course but is scheduled to be completed during the summer. The student participates in the work at the workplace and simultaneously conducts the study as determined in a work plan drawn up at the start of the course.