If the course is discontinued, students may request to be examined during the following two academic years.
Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.
The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.
Active participation, individual
The pedagogy of the course is based on active learning and much of the knowledge is created through participation in the exercises and cases. For this reason, individual participation will be noted and graded. Credits for active participation arrive from attendance, active participation, hand-in ofquestions to guest lectures, ect.
Before each session, course participants are expected to read assigned literature and case studies thoroughly.
Homework assignments, individual
During the course, home assignments will be asked for related to discussions in class. Late hand-ins will receive a grade of zero.
Written test, individual
There will be a written test focused on evaluation of business plans. It covers materials discussed in class and assigned literature readings. The test will emphasize understanding rather than mere factual repetition, which points to the importance of consistent attendance and active class participation.
Course assignment and opposition, group
The students are, in groups of five, expected to write a financing plan for an optional start-up firm. The company should be unlisted, be less than 10 years old and have a maximum yearly revenue of 20 mSEK). The students need to identify their own cases. The plan could include, for example: a summary of the business and the market it operates in, a financial assessment, for what purpose financing is searched for and level of capital requirements, possible financial source options, possible valuation methods and a valuation. During the last session, students are expected to present their plans.
For all course assessments the valuation of quality will be based on, e.g., the comprehensiveness and quality of written documents, to what extent the students show a good understanding of key terms and concepts, to what extent arguments and numbers are well-founded and justified, to what extent oral presentations or written documents comes out as an appropriate and convincing, etc.
Grading scale:
Students that successfully complete an SSES course will be graded according to the course syllabus.
Attendance is compulsory.