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IK1332 Internet of Things 7.5 credits

Course memo Spring 2021-60344

Version 1 – 01/18/2021, 8:38:54 AM

Course offering

Spring 2021-1 (Start date 18/01/2021, English)

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

EECS/Computer Science

Course memo Spring 2021

Headings denoted with an asterisk ( * ) is retrieved from the course syllabus version Autumn 2019

Content and learning outcomes

Course contents

  • System architecture for IoT and associated business models.
  • Infrastructure for IoT: LoRa-Wan, 6LoWPAN, 5G and SigFox.
  • Operating systems and programming environments for embedded units, for example, Linux, TinyOS and Contiki.
  • Application protocols for the transfer of sensor data, for example, MQTT and CoAP.
  • Application areas and associated system requirements.
  • Sustainability, safety, privacy, energy, and ethics concerning IoT systems.

Intended learning outcomes

Having passed the course, the student should be able to:

  • describe at a general level system architectures for different existing technologies for the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • describe communications protocols related to IoT and machine to machine communication (M2M)
  • explain how the network layer supports IoT systems
  • configure and design IoT services with existing technologies
  • from a broad perspective explain challenges concerning sustainability, safety, integrity, and ethics for IoT technology.

For the highest grade the student should also be able to:

  • explain the structure of system architecture and the life cycle for different existing technologies for IoT
  • solve general resource allocation problems concerning IoT networks
  • compare different communications protocols related to IoT and machine to machine communication
  • analyse performance and reliability for existing IoT systems
  • analyse IoT systems with regard to sustainability, safety, integrity, and ethics.

Detailed plan

First 4 weeks are reserved for lectures with programming assignment task and PRO1.1.

Following 4 weeks are reserved for Scrum projects. Each group will have 4-5 students. 

Learning activities Content Preparations
Lectures on M1 - Introduction

Course mechanics and general introduction to IoT, and IoT technologies overview

Lectures on M2 - Business Model and Case Study Overview of IoT Business and Services, 
Business Models and Value Network Analysis, 
Analysis of IoT services in different sectors
Student Seminars Seminars from students for PRO1.1 Report and Peer reviewing
Lecture on M3 - technologies and application requirements  IoT technologies and application requirements  
Lecture on M4 - Platforms and architectures Operating systems and programming environments  
Lecture on M5 - Protocols and applications Applications and Protocols, IETF IoT Protocol Stack  
Student Seminars Programming Assignment A short written report, and a seminar with a small demonstration
Lectures on M6 - Communication Technologies Cellular IoT, Non-cellular IoT  
Project Works Sprint plannings, Demos and presentation   Reports, demos and presenations

Schema VT-2021-718


  Week Weekday Date Time (2h) Activity Room Person Lecture name Module
F1 w3 Monday 2021-01-18 10:00 Lecture Digital Mustafa Özger Introduction M1
F2 w3 Tuesday 2021-01-19 15:00 Lecture Digital Jan Markendahl Overview of IoT Business and Services M2
F3 w3 Thursday 2021-01-21 13:00 Lecture Digital Jan Markendahl Business Models and Value Network Analysis M2
F4 w4 Tuesday 2021-01-26 13:00 Lecture Digital Jan Markendahl Analysis of IoT services in different sectors M2
F5 w4 Thursday 2021-01-28 13:00 Lecture Digital Mustafa Özger IoT Technologies and Application Areas M3
F6 w5 Monday 2021-02-01 10:00 Seminar Digital Jan Markendahl Student Seminars for the project assignment 1 M2- PRO-1.1
F7 w5 Monday 2021-02-01 13:00 Lecture Digital Peter Sjödin Operating systems and programming environments M4
F8 w5 Wednesday 2021-02-03 10:00 Lecture Digital Markus Hidell Applications and Protocols M5
F9 w5 Friday 2021-02-05 13:00 Lecture Digital Markus Hidell IETF IoT Protocol Stack M5
F10 w6 Tuesday 2021-02-09 13:00 Lecture Digital Mustafa Özger Cellular IoT M6
F11 w6 Wednesday 2021-02-10 13:00 Seminar Digital Peter Sjödin Seminar for Programming assignment M5
F12 w6 Friday 2021-02-12 13:00 Lecture Digital Mustafa Özger Non-cellular IoT M6
F13 w7 Monday 2021-02-15 13:00 Project Digital Mustafa Özger Project presentations and planning PRO-1.2
F14 w7 Friday 2021-02-19 10:00 Seminar Digital Mustafa Özger 1st sprint presentation PRO-1.2
F15 w8 Monday 2021-02-22 10:00 Project Digital Mustafa Özger 2nd sprint planning PRO-1.2
F16 w8 Friday 2021-02-26 10:00 Seminar Digital Mustafa Özger 2nd sprint presentation PRO-1.2
F17 w9 Monday 2021-03-01 10:00 Project Digital Mustafa Özger 3th sprint planning PRO-1.2
F18 w9 Friday 2021-03-05 13:00 Seminar Digital Mustafa Özger 3th sprint presentation PRO-1.2
F19 w10 Monday 2021-03-08 10:00 Project Digital Mustafa Özger 4th sprint planning PRO-1.2
F20 w10 Friday 2021-03-12 10:00 Seminar Digital Mustafa Özger Final Project Presentations PRO-1.2
F21 w11 Wednesday 2021-03-17 14:00 Exam Digital Home exam or online quiz  

Preparations before course start


M1: Introduction

  1. Ericsson Mobility Report Nov 2019
  2. Cellular Internet of Things – Technologies, Standards and Performance, Liberg, Elsevier – Academic Press.
  3. Cellular IoT Evolution for Industry Digitalization - White paper. Ericsson,
  4. 3GPP, The Mobile Broadband Standard -
  5. Machina Research – White paper, 2013

M2: Business models and case study

  1. Gonçalves, V., & Dobbelaere, P. (2010, June). Business scenarios for machine-to-machine mobile applications. In 2010 Ninth International Conference on Mobile Business and 2010 Ninth Global Mobility Roundtable (ICMB-GMR) (pp. 394-401). IEEE.
  2. Markendahl, J., & Mäkitalo, Ö. (2007). Customer relations and business role interaction for wireless access provisioning in local environments. Proc. Los Angeles Global Mobility Roundtable. 
  3. Markendahl, J., & Laya, A. (2013). Business challenges for Internet of Things: Findings from e-home care, smart access control, smart cities and homes. In The 29th Annual IMP Conference. IMP Group.
  4. Markendahl, J., Lundberg, S., Kordas, O., & Movin, S. (2017, November). On the role and potential of IoT in different industries: Analysis of actor cooperation and challenges for introduction of new technology. In 2017 Internet of Things Business Models, Users, and Networks (pp. 1-8). IEEE.


M3: IoT technologies and application requirements 

  1. Anuga et al., “A Survey on 5G Networks for the Internet of Things: Communication Technologies and Challenges,” IEEE Access, 2017
  2. Tara Salman, Raj Jain, “A Survey of Protocols and Standards for Internet of Things,”
  3. Bansal, D. Kumar, “IoT Ecosystem: A Survey on Devices, Gateways, Operating Systems, Middleware and Communication,” International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, 2020, 27:340–364
  4. Ren, H. Guo, C. Xu and Y. Zhang, Serving at the edge: a scalable iot architecture based on transparent computing, IEEE Network, Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 96–105, 2017.
  5. Balaji, K. Nathani and R. Santhakumar, IoT technology, applications and challenges a contemporary survey, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 108, pp. 1–26, 2019.
  6. Kraijak, and P. Tuwanut, A survey on IoT architectures, protocols, applications, security, privacy, real-world implementation and future trends. In 11th international conference on wireless communications, networking and mobile computing (WiCOM 2015), 2015.


M6: Communication Technologies

  1. Azari, A., Serving IoT Communications over Cellular Networks: Challenges and Solutions in Radio Resource Management for Massive and Critical IoT Communications, doctoral thesis KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2018.
  2. Boulogeorgos, Alexandros-Apostolos A., Panagiotis D. Diamantoulakis, and George K. Karagiannidis. "Low power wide area networks (lpwans) for internet of things (iot) applications: Research challenges and future trends." arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.07449(2016).
  3. Chang P., Low Power Wide Area Networks, NB-IoT and the Internet of Things, Keysight Technologies, 2016
  4. Fialho, Vitor, and Fernado Azevedo. "Wireless Communication Based on Chirp Signals for LoRa IoT Devices." i-ETC: ISEL Academic Journal of Electronics Telecommunications and Computers4.1 (2018): 6.
  5. Kuhlins C., B. Rathonyi, A. Zaidi M. Hogan, Cellular Networks for Massive IoT, Ericsson White Paper Uen 284 23-3278, 2020.
  6. LoRa/LoRaWAN Tutorial, 12 and 13,
  7. Mekki, K., and E. Bajic, F. Chaxel, F. Meyer, A comparitive study of LPWAN technologies for large-scale IoT deployment
  8. A technical overview of LoRa and LoRaWAN, LoRa Alliance, 2015.
  9. M. B. Shahab et. al, “Grant-Free Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for IoT: A Survey,” IEEE COMST, 2020.
  10. Bluetooth Channels,
  11. SigFox,
  12. I. Butun et. Al, “Security Risk Analysis of LoRaWAN and Future Directions,” MDPI Future Internet, 2019.
  13. L. Lei, “From Orthogonal to Non-orthogonal Multiple Access: Energy- and Spectrum-Efficient Resource Allocation,” PhD thesis, Linköping University, 2016.
  14. D. Sjöström, Unlicensed and licensed low-power wide area networks Exploring the candidates for massive IoT, KTH PhD Thesis, 2017
  15. Ericsson Mobility Report Nov 2019
  16. Cellular Internet of Things – Technologies, Standards and Performance, Liberg et. al., Elsevier – Academic Press.
  17. Cellular IoT Evolution for Industry Digitalization - White paper. Ericsson,
  18. 3GPP, The Mobile Broadband Standard -

Support for students with disabilities

Students at KTH with a permanent disability can get support during studies from Funka:

Funka - compensatory support for students with disabilities

Please inform the course coordinator if you need compensatory support during the course. Present a certificate from Funka.

Examination and completion

Grading scale

A, B, C, D, E, FX, F


  • PRO1 - Project, 4.5 credits, Grading scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F
  • TEN1 - Exam, 3.0 credits, Grading scale: P, F

Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.

The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.

The examiner decides, in consultation with KTH's coordinator for disabilities (Funka), about possible adapted examination for students with documented, permanent disabilities. The examiner may permit other examination formats at the re-examination of individual students.

The section below is not retrieved from the course syllabus:

Project ( PRO1 ): 4.5 credits, Grading Scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

–Prog. Assignment – 0.5 credit

Please see the assignment specification, which may include a short written report, and a seminar with a small demonstration depending on the assignment

–Project1-PRO1.1- 1 credits

  • Written report

The student group should write a report with the following sections

1.Overview of industry sector under study (joint work in the group)

2.Value network analysis (one student do analysis for one service)

1.Service 1

2.Service 2

3.Service 3

3. Comparison of different services (joint work in the group)

  • Review

The students  will review reports from the other groups

  • Oral presentation  

Short presentation of main findings of the written report

–Project2 –PRO1.2- 3 credits

  • Sprint Reports (will be submitted end of each sprint (weekly x 4) every Friday by 10:00am)
  • Final Project Report that describes and justifies the design and work (5-8 pages)
  • Git repository with fully functional source code and proper documentation
  • In addition to the submitted material, a presentation and demo will be made
  • Final presentation slides will be submitted
  • Final Project Report and Git repository will be submitted
  • After the Final Project Report submission, each student will provide individual Review Reports
  • Updated Project Reports will be submitted based on reviews.

Exam ( TEN1 ): 3.0 credits, Grading scale: P, F

  • Online exam or homework

Grading criteria/assessment criteria

Programming assignments, PRO1.1 and PRO1.2 are mandatory for your grading. 

At least 80% attendance of sessions in PRO1.2 is a must. 


Grading Assessment for Programming Assignment

For requirements see the assignment specification for P/F


Grading Assessment for PRO1.1

The following table shows the minimum requirement what you need to do in order to get E, C and A. You can get D and B (except for market review) if you do more.

Part of the case study E C A
Intro,market overview;
Description of overall
service context, market
& actors, regulation
Provide a basic overall
description of market and regulation
Provide additional
overall market info needed for the analysis
Analysis of the specific
IoT service and the
service provider
Answer questions on service, customer segments, value
network analysis
Provide motivations
on answers on service,
customer segments,
value network analysis
Comment on where
the answers can lead,
i.e. implications and to
provide multiple
Comparison and
conclusion sections
Answer questions on challenges and degree
of similarities between different services
Provide motivations
on answers on
challenges and degree
of similarities
Comment on possible
implications and to
provide multiple
Review of reports
of other groups
Comments on what is missing and not in the
Comments on the
quality of the content
in different sections
Provide suggestions
for improvements


Grading Assessment for PRO1.2:

For requirements see the assignment specification.


Overall Course Grading Criteria:

Course component E D C B A
Prog. Assignment







At least E

At least E and at least 1 C

At least D and at least 1 B

At least C and at least 1 A

At least B and majority A


At least E

At least D At least C At least B At least A



Ethical approach

  • All members of a group are responsible for the group's work.
  • In any assessment, every student shall honestly disclose any help received and sources used.
  • In an oral assessment, every student shall be able to present and answer questions about the entire assignment and solution.

Further information

No information inserted

Round Facts

Start date

18 Jan 2021

Course offering

  • Spring 2021-60344

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

EECS/Computer Science
