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LH235V Global competence for teachers in higher education 3.0 hp

Course memo Autumn 2021-50673

Version 1 – 02/08/2022, 12:00:20 PM

Course offering

Autumn 2021-2 (Start date 30/08/2021, English)

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

ITM/Learning in Engineering Sciences

Course memo Autumn 2021

Headings denoted with an asterisk ( * ) is retrieved from the course syllabus version Spring 2019

Content and learning outcomes

Course contents

We work with concepts like the international classroom and the globally competent teacher, comprehensive internationalisation, global citizenship, and internationalisation at home.

Documentation, reflection and accounting of intercultural experiences and learning are taken as a step in the process of individual further development and as a basis for the development of education and of the participants' own profession.

Intended learning outcomes

The purpose of the course is to provide teachers with tools to work effectively with cultural and social diversity in teaching contexts, to strengthen their global competence and support comprehensive internationalisation.

On completion of the course, participants should be able to:

  • Discuss and give concrete examples of knowledge, skills and attitudes that support and develop global competence.
  • Problematise their own and others' descriptions of culture and identifications based on, for example, gender, nationality, ethnicity, class, age, language and profession.
  • Reflect on critical intercultural incidents in a constructive and solution-oriented way.
  • Suggest and argue for strategies to better understand and constructively take account of the multitude of experiences the participant meets in teaching contexts.
  • Present a personal action plan, grounded in self-awareness, for continued development towards increased global competence and comprehensive internationalisation in teaching contexts.

Detailed plan

Details & deadlines

Module: General course information

7-13 Sep

Familiarize yourself with Canvas and the course outline.

Assignment (Deadline: 13 Sep):

  • Tell us about yourself and add a picture to Canvas. 

14 Sep


Seminar 1: Introduction to global competence and to the course

https://kth-se.zoom.us/ (Links to an external site.)


A: Introduction to global competence

14-21 Sep

Introductory readings on global competence.

Assignments (Deadline: 21 Sep)

  • Global competence in your discipline
  • Your own question
  B: Strategies for developing global competence
21-28 Sep

Readings on internationalization.

Assignments (Deadline: 28 Sep)

  • Good practice examples: Internationalisation for global competence development.
  •  Your own question

29 Sep


Seminar 2: Discussing competency models

https://kth-se.zoom.us/ (Links to an external site.)

  C: The globally competent teacher
29 Sep - 6 Oct

Readings on characteristics of globally competent teachers.

Assignments (Deadline: 6 Oct)

  • Technical and human dimensions in the learning process
  • Your own question

D: Globally competent teaching

6 - 11 Oct

Reading on teaching for global competence.

Assignments (Deadline: 11 Oct)

  • Teaching across cultures
  • Critical incident

12 Oct


Seminar 3: Global competence in the classroom

https://kth-se.zoom.us/ (Links to an external site.)


E: Your personal action plan (PAP)

12 - 25 Oct

Start working on your personal action plan. Use the readings from throughout the course and previous assignments as inspiration.

Assignment (Deadline: 25 Oct)

  • Preliminary ideas for the Personal Action Plan (PAP)

F: First draft PAP

25 Oct - 3 Nov

 Assignment (Deadline: 3 Nov)

  • PAP 1st draft 
3 - 16 Nov


  • Peer-review (deadline 10 Nov)
  • PAP 2nd draft (deadline 16 Nov)

17 Nov


Seminar 4: Personal action plan presentations

https://kth-se.zoom.us/ (Links to an external site.)

17 - 21 Nov

Assignments (Deadline: 21 Nov)

  • PAP Final submission
21-28 Nov

Course evaluation (deadline 28 Nov)

Schema HT-2021-287

Preparations before course start


Reading material will be available in or through Canvas.

The main course literature is: Carroll, Jude (2015). Tools for teaching in an educationally mobile world [electronic via KTH Library]. London: Routledge (217 pp) 

Examination and completion

Grading scale

P, F


  • INL1 - Written assignment, 2.0 credits, Grading scale: P, F
  • SEM1 - Seminar, 1.0 credits, Grading scale: P, F

Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.

The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.

The examiner, in consultation with KTH's coordinator for disabled students (Funka), decides whether an alteranative examination suitable  for course participants with a documented permanent impairment is possible. The examiner may allow an alternative examination form for re-examination of single course participants.

The section below is not retrieved from the course syllabus:

INL1 - Written assignment, 2.0, grading scale: P, F

SEM1 - Seminar, 1.0, grading scale: P, F

Requirements for final grade

A two-grade scale P/F is used, where P corresponds to Pass and F to Fail. To pass the course, active participation in all course meetings and passed assignments are required. Specifically, these are:

  • Presence and active participation in course meetings 1-4 (SEM1)*
  • One missed (1) meeting may, if need be, be compensated by a written in-depth assignment.

Written assignments (INL1):

  • Global Competence in your discipline, 21 Sep
  • Your own question 1, 21 Sep
  • Good practice examples: Internationalization for global competence development, 28 Sep
  • Your own question 2, 28 Sep
  • Technical and human dimensions in the learning process, 6 Oct
  • Your own question 3, 6 Oct
  • Teaching across cultures, 11 Oct
  • Critical incident, 11 Oct
  • Preliminary ideas for the Personal Action Plan (PAP), 25 Oct
  • PAP 1st draft, 3 Nov
  • PAP final submission, 21 Nov


Criterion-referenced grading criteria

Learning outcome

P - Pass

1 Discuss and give concrete examples of knowledge, skills and attitudes that support and develop global competence.

exemplify and discuss with insights and concepts taken from the literature and your own reflections

Examined through seminars (SEM1) and discussion assignments (INL1)

2 Problematise their own and others' descriptions of culture and identifications based on, for example, gender, nationality, ethnicity, class, age, language and profession.

formulate and present problematisations explicitly linked to the literature and your own reflections

Examined through seminars (SEM1), discussion assignments and written assignments (INL1)

3 Reflect on critical intercultural incidents in a constructive and solution-oriented way.

reflect and suggest constructive solutions explicitly linked to the literature and your own reflections

Examined through seminars (SEM1), discussion assignments and written assignments (INL1)

4 Suggest and argue for strategies to better understand and constructively take account of the multitude of experiences the participant meets in teaching contexts.

link strategies from the literature and own reflections to your own practice

Examined through seminars (SEM1), discussion assignments and written assignments (INL1)

5 Present a personal action plan, grounded in self-awareness, for continued development towards increased global competence and comprehensive internationalisation in teaching contexts.

formulate an action plan (SMART) explicitly based on the literature, your own reflections and your own practice

Examined through written assignments (INL1)

Other requirements for final grade

A two-grade scale P/F is used, where P corresponds to Pass and F to Fail. To pass the course, active participation in all course meetings and passed assignments are required. If the participant misses one (1) meeting, this may in special cases be replaced by a written in-depth assignment; this is determined by the examiner. Missed attendance is normally made up at the corresponding meeting the next time the course is offered. To be able to participate in the presentation of examination assignments, the participant must not have missed more than two meetings. Examination assignments must be submitted by deadline.

Ethical approach

  • All members of a group are responsible for the group's work.
  • In any assessment, every student shall honestly disclose any help received and sources used.
  • In an oral assessment, every student shall be able to present and answer questions about the entire assignment and solution.

Further information

No information inserted

Round Facts

Start date

30 Aug 2021

Course offering

  • Autumn 2021-50673

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

ITM/Learning in Engineering Sciences
