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När kursanalysen är publicerad visas kursdata, kurs-PM och kursplan.


Kursplan DH2413 ( HT 2021 - VT 2024 )

Inget kurs-PM tillagt

Kursanalys: 2023-03-25

Kursansvarig Examinator Studenter Examination Resultat Förändringar som har införts till den här kursomgången

Mario Romero Vega

Mario Romero Vega


LAB1 (1.5) P, F

LAB2 (1.5) P, F

LAB3 (1.5) P, F

TENA (1.5) P, F

TENB (1.5) P, F

TENC (1.5) P, F

97.6 %

Changed from 2021, given that the COVID19 pandemic was officially declared over, we no longer took extra precautions to limit possible infections. We removed zoom from the regular lectures. Only when the instructor was ill did we had the instructor communicate through zoom. We re-introduced both ForskarFredag (end of September) and Tekniska Museet (beginning of November) presentations. We re-introduced a theme to the second project. The theme was a view for the audience into virtual worlds with a third-person but interactive perspective. We introduced stricter guidelines for managing equipment and posters through online tables where the students are responsible. We introduced sponsors (rather than industrial partners). The difference is that the sponsors make offers but the students are free to simply be inspired by the offers. The students can still work on their own ideas and the sponsors can choose groups to support through meeting and feedback. Adria Cruz, in particular, is an excellent sponsor. We have started formally using room D4449 (Akvariet) for development and demos. This is working well. We formally reserved room 4448 and it worked well for the Open House. Formally evaluate a presentation for MultiModal students DT2140 - first week of November.

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Kursplan DH2413 ( HT 2021 - VT 2024 )

Inget kurs-PM tillagt

Kursanalys: 2022-05-23

Kursansvarig Examinator Studenter Examination Resultat Förändringar som har införts till den här kursomgången

Mario Romero Vega

Mario Romero Vega


LAB1 (1.5) P, F

LAB2 (1.5) P, F

LAB3 (1.5) P, F

TENA (1.5) P, F

TENB (1.5) P, F

TENC (1.5) P, F

100 %

We will re-introduce Forskarfredag at the end of September. We will re-introduce Tekniska Museet at the end of October. We will increase opportunities for peer review and feedback. Pairwise presentations during agile meetings. We will increase opportunities to present projects without grading. We will re-introduce external offers for both P1 and P2.

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Kursanalysen gäller för följande kursomgångar

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Kursplan DH2413 ( VT 2019 - VT 2021 )

Kurs-PM DH2413 HT 2020-50669

Kursanalys: 2021-05-12

Kursansvarig Examinator Studenter Examination Resultat Förändringar som har införts till den här kursomgången

Mario Romero Vega

Mario Romero Vega


LAB1 (1.5) P, F

LAB2 (1.5) P, F

LAB3 (1.5) P, F

TENA (1.5) P, F

TENB (1.5) P, F

TENC (1.5) P, F

100 %

Due to COVID19 we reduced the number of projects per group from two to one. We moved all education and evaluation online. We limited project hardware to COVID-safe equipment available in the home of students, namely AR on phones or graphics on desktops.

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Kursanalysen gäller för följande kursomgångar

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När kursanalysen är publicerad visas kursdata, kurs-PM och kursplan.

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