Course development
On this page, you can see how the course has developed over time. For each course offering, course data is displayed (number of registered students and course results, along with planned changes for the next session). All course syllabuses and course memos are shown on the page Archive.
The information can help prospective, current, and former students with course selection, or to follow up on their own participation. Teachers, course coordinators, examiners, program directors, and others can use the page as a resource for course development.
When the course analysis has been published, the course data, course memo and course syllabus are displayed.
When the course analysis has been published, the course data, course memo and course syllabus are displayed.
TIIPS ( Startdatum 2023-10-30, Svenska )
Changes planned for the next course offering
Bengt WittgrenExaminers
Bengt WittgrenStudents
7Course syllabus
Course syllabus ML1609 ( Autumn 2023 - )Course memo
Course memo ML1609 Autumn 2023-50068Compulsory within programme
TIIPSCourse analysis
Course analysis ML1609: 10 Jan 2024Changes introduced for this course offering
No information insertedCourse data has been registered manually
Examination grade
TIIPS ( Startdatum 2022-10-31, Svenska )
Changes planned for the next course offering
Bengt WittgrenExaminers
Bengt WittgrenStudents
6Course syllabus
Course syllabus ML1609 ( Autumn 2018 - Spring 2023 )Course memo
Course memo ML1609 Autumn 2022-50160Compulsory within programme
TIIPSCourse analysis
Course analysis ML1609: 30 Jan 2023Changes introduced for this course offering
Anpassning av laborationer för att bättre kunna illustrera kursens teoretiska innehåll. Flertalet stud fick dispens från behörighetskrav (ML1605) för att kunna gå kursen. OBS! Manuellt ändrad examinationsgrad tar inte hänsyn till eftersläpning i inlämning och bedömning av SEMA utan avser ÖVNA och TENA.Course data has been registered manually
Examination grade
TIIPS ( Startdatum 2021-11-01, Svenska )
Changes planned for the next course offering
Gabriel MontgomeryExaminers
Gabriel MontgomeryStudents
13Course syllabus
Course syllabus ML1609 ( Autumn 2018 - Spring 2023 )Course memo
Course memo ML1609 Autumn 2021-50126Compulsory within programme
TIIPSCourse analysis
Course analysis ML1609: 13 Jan 2022Changes introduced for this course offering
Den viktigaste förändringen inför denna kurs var att vi började samarbeta med Akademiska hus på Campus Valhallavägen. Studenterna arbetade i grupper med underhållsfrågor som Akademiska hus har kopplat till lokaler på campus.Examination grade
When the course analysis has been published, the course data, course memo and course syllabus are displayed.