The course is based on four different aspects of marketing:
- Customer relationship management (CRM) systems:
Customer relationship management refers to modern quantitative techniques of tracking mass market customer (consumer) behavior and need. CRM and similar techniques are used to minitor market penetration, measure customer satisfaction and to develop mass market products. - Marketing psychology:
Marketing psychology refers to processes by which mass market customers (consumers) form cognitive beliefs and attachements to products and brands. Marketing psychology forms a basis for mass marketing campaigns, but is also related to the development of brands. - Corporate branding and corporate identity:
Corporate branding and corporate identity refers to the branding process by which organizations differentiate from other actors within a given field. Corporate branding is a deliberate attempt to influence customer into perceiving a given product or organization relative to other organizations. Branding and identity are interrelated and both form an important part in marketing strategies. - Marketing channels, including internet-marketing:
Marketing channel refers to the delivery of products through internet, branch network, relationship or other mechanisms. A particular emphasis will be placed on the increased role of internet-marketing. Marketing channel research concerns how organizations interrelate with customers, but also suppliers in a given industry. The technological advancements made in internet makes i possible to form new strategies by which marketers can communicate with customers.