In this C-campus course the students will work in small groups of students from KTH and Tsinghua University to develop a design for a new transportation system or infrastructure concept. In this, each design needs to have an overall holistic background which meets one or more of the challenges and opportunities for our future transportation system. Each group will then focus on a specific component of their design in which they are going to further design and specify the technical details of the solution. The technical focus point may be towards, but is not limited to, integrated vehicle and infrastructure designs, novel infrastructure building or maintenance solutions, multi-functional materials that enable future transportation solutions or system solutions that enhance future mobility in a carbon free society. The students will be supported by
- industry mentors from Chinese and Swedish companies and authorities for their concept development that cover relevant and actual societal challenges in this domain, and by
- teachers from Tsinghua and KTH for their methodology choices and technical details of their design.