The course is divided into three components. The first component treats classical learning theories and representatives of these: behaviourism, cognitivism, pragmatism, learning in a socio-cultural perspective and learning in a situated perspective. This component brings up the fundamental features of the theories, their views on the individual and the learning, as well as their importance for teaching.
The third component treats the responsibility of the school and the teacher to facilitate all students' participation and learning, irrespective of school difficulties, including neuropsychiatric disorders in accordance with national and international regulations. The component provides specialised knowledge in how teachers in collaboration with others can identify and handle special education needs at individual level, as well as at school and community level. It also deals with how the organisation of the teaching can have consequences for processes of social inclusion and exclusion.
The second component includes modern brain research and its contribution pedagogy (neuropedagogy) In this part, knowledge of how the brain functions, its possibilities and limitations, development and maturity are included and how the learning is influenced. Furthermore, it is discussed how knowledge of neuropedagogy and learning can influence the design of teaching.
In the area of learning theories, on completion of the course the student is expected to be able to
1. Give an account of the main features of the dominating learning theories and compare their view on the individual and the learning
2. Reflect on the possibilities and limitations of learning theories, in design of learning environments
3. Analyse learning situations and argue for what in the teaching that hinders and facilitates learning by means of different learning theories
In the area of special needs education, on completion of the course the student is expected to be able to
4. Give an account of the responsibility of the school and the teacher in relation to teaching for all students' participation and learning
5. Explain and reflect on how teachers can identify special education needs in the teaching and handle these needs, including neuropsychiatric difficulties, in collaboration with pupils, guardians, teachers and others, in and outside the school
In the area of neuropedagogy and psychology, the student is expected to be able to on completion of the course:
6. Describe and reflect on the learning and development of adolescents based on current psychological and neuropedagogical perspectives
7. Analyse learning situations and argue for what hinders and facilitates learning in the teaching with help of psychological and neuropedagogical theories.
In the area of perspectives on learning and development, on completion of the course the student is expected to be able to