Many companies are focusing on rationalising their product handling throughout the company as well as they want to maintain or improve their ability to satisfy the changing customer demands. The companies have to make both the organisation and the product more effective. One way is by structuring the product so it incorporates the demands from the customers, the corporation and the long term strategy. Many researchers are involved in the area of understanding how this should be done. At KTH, Dept. of Production Engineering, and IVF, the MFD-method (Modular Function Deployment) was developed some years ago.
The method is one of the first to accommodate the product structure to the manufacturing and the strategies of the company. The method consists of five steps to design a product so it is divided into a number of modules that could be combined/purchased/shared among product variants. This allows the manufacturing cost to be minimised and the complexity (the number of different parts) may be lowered, yet it still allows flexibility and variety. The method focus on the corporate strategy regarding core competence and preparation for technical change. Depending on which of these aspects that are important for the company and their products, the product may be designed and structured in different ways. The method has been used successfully in some 20 Swedish companies to create a company specific modularisation. Furthermore, the method has also been useful in creating a common understanding of the product and corporate strategies among marketers, designers, manufacturers and so on.
The course is based on the Modular Function Deployment method that consists of five steps:
- Clarify customer requirements
- Select technical solutions
- Generate module concepts
- Evaluate concepts
- Improve each module