This course consists of activities to carry out a degree project at second cycle level in a subarea of sustainable production development . This can concern industrial design, design, analysis, optimisation, choice of material, manufacturing and operation of different technical systems and products in the area of sustainable production development.
The main result will be a final written report, the degree project and an oral presentation. Relevant and scientifically valid results in the degree project require use of knowledge in different fields that are covered by earlier completed courses and additional studies and industrial experience based on need. The student develops proficiencies in the process to create new knowledge based on established theories and methods. The results of the work must have relevance for industrial application in addition to academic relevance.
The course contains seminars to develop the degree project. The continuous discussion about the degree project with supervisor and in seminars is an important part of the course.
On completion of the course, the student should know:
1. demonstrate knowledge of the chosen subject area's scientific basis and proven experience, in-depth insight into current research and development work, as well as in-depth methodological knowledge.
2. demonstrate the ability to look for, collect and integrate knowledge with a holistic view, critically and systematically, and identify their need for additional knowledge.
3. show the ability to identify, analyze, assess and manage complex phenomena, issues and situations even with limited information.
4. demonstrate the ability to plan and with adequate methods carry out qualified tasks within given time frames and to evaluate this work.
5. demonstrate the ability to orally and in writing in dialogue with different groups clearly account for and discuss their conclusions and the knowledge and arguments that underlie these.
6. show the ability to make judgments with regard to relevant scientific, societal and ethical aspects.
7. demonstrate such skills as are required to participate in research and development work or to work independently in other qualified activities.
8. develop and evaluate products, processes, systems, methods and/or technical solutions with regard to people's circumstances/environment and needs as well as society's goals in terms of economic, social and ecologically sustainable development.