Part I (The experimental background of Modern Physics nd quantum mechanics). 7.5 hp.
The experimental foundations of modern physics: Elementary relativity theory. The Michelson-Morely experiment. Einstein's theory of special relativity. Length contraction. Time dialation. Elementary quantum physics. Planck's radiation law. X-ray radiation and spectra. Rutherford's atomic model. Atomic structure. Bohr's atomic model. Atomic energy levels. Nuclear structure. Radioactive decay. Matter waves. Wave packets and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Wave-particle duality.
Quantum mechanics: the foundations of quantum mechanics. Operators and commutation relations. The Schrödinger equation applied to simple potentials. Interpretation of wave functions. Plane wave solutions. The harmonic oscillator. Angular momentum and spin. The hydrogen atom and the periodic table. The Pauli principle. Lowest order time independent perturbation theory and applications there-of. Applications to physical phenomena: (including) the photoelectric effect, the Compton effect, X-ray diffraction, particle diffraction, the Stark effect, the Zeeman effect. Applications within science and technology (including) tunneling, the tunneling electron microscope, the Stern-Gerlach experiment, the atomic nucleus, the helium atom, simple molecules.
Part II (Laboratory exercises and project work). 3 hp.
Three laboratories with written reports (1.5 hp). Project work (1.5 hp).