Einstein's theory of relativity consists of two parts, firstly the special theory of relativity whose formulation and most important results are dealt with in this course, and secondly the general theory of relativity which is not part of the course and which deals with the law of gravitation. The special theory of relativity leads to new ways of looking at the fundamental concepts of space and time, leading to a drastic revision of central parts of Newton's classical physics. The classical physics view of time and space is discussed and specifically demonstrated how the classical physics formulation leads to errors at speeds close to the speed of light. Furthermore, the basic assumption of the special theory of relativity is formulated that the speed of light in a vacuum is a constant, an assumption that has very far-reaching consequences. The experimental basis for the theory of relativity is discussed. The most important results in the theory of relativity are treated: time dilation, length contraction, simultaneity, relativistic Doppler effect as well as the twin paradox and other paradoxes. Furthermore, relativity theory's extension of classical mechanics and Einstein's famous formula E=mc2 are discussed.
Mathematical treatment of coordinate transformations (Lorentz transformations) and space-time diagrams are included as well as relativistic collisions and decays. The course includes many important practical applications and phenomena where the theory of relativity plays a decisive role, such as maintaining a time standard with atomic clocks, GPS, the creation of new particles such as the Higgs particle at CERN and conditions for human space travel.