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Mohammad Ahmadi Achachlouei

Profile picture of Mohammad Ahmadi Achachlouei

About me

Mohammad "Mo" Ahmadi Achachlouei completed his doctoral studies in Planning and Decision Analysis, with a specialization in Environmental Strategic Analysis, at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm, in the Division for Environmental Strategies Research ("fms") and at the Center for Sustainable Communications (CESC). In September 2015, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation titled  Exploring the Effects of ICT on Environmental Sustainability: From Life Cycle Assessment to Complex Systems Modeling . (ICT stands for information and communications technologies.)

He employed life cycle analysis and complex systems modeling approaches, such as System Dynamics and agent-based modeling. The first part of his doctoral research focused on quantitative environmental assessment of digital media and the internet, including analyzes of print and tablet editions of a Swedish magazine. Then, in a joint project of KTH and Empa (Swiss Federal Research Laboratory for Materials Science & Technology), he conducted scenario analysis, modeling and simulation of future environmental impacts of ICT in 15 European countries, revisiting and validating a dynamic model developed for European Commission. He also compared the exploratory power of agent-based modeling and system dynamics approaches in complex systems.

His supervisors at KTH were Prof. Åsa Moberg, Prof. Göran Finnveden, Prof. Lorenz Hilty, and Dr. Elisabeth Hochschorner. At Empa, he worked with Prof. Lorenz Hilty at the Informatics and Sustainability Research Group, Technology and Society Lab (TSL). The group is also shared by the Department of Informatics (IFI) at the University of Zurich.


  • December 2015: He was awarded a grant offer from the Swedish Research Council Formas to conduct postdoctoral research on how to utilize Big Data to enhance environmental life-cycle analysis.  More...
  • He will attend the COP21 climate summit in Paris in December 2015.
  • On September 4, 2015, he defended his doctoral thesis, titled "Exploring the Effects of ICT on Environmental Sustainability: From Life Cycle Assessment to Complex Systems Modeling" -- Available at:
  • CESC workshop at Enviroinfo/ICT4S 2015 conference on Sunday, September 6, in Copenhagen: "ICT Enabling Potential for GHG Reductions at a Company- or Sector-Level: Methodological Considerations"

Research Interests

  • Quantitative modeling; Life cycle assessment (LCA); system dynamics; agent-based modeling; socio-economic modelling
  • Environmental impacts of information and communication technologies (ICT): energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, enabling potential, and rebound effects
  • Systems thinking, scenario analysis and complex systems modeling for sustainability assessment
  • Data science and Big Data applications for environmental assessment
  • Accessibility and interoperability of environmental data
  • Assessment of climate change mitigation strategies


Projects at KTH


  • Ph.D., Planning and Decision Analysis (specialization in Environmental Strategic Analysis), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, 2015
  • Technology Lic. (a Swedish degree between M.Sc. & Ph.D.), Planning and Decision Analysis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, 2013
  • M.Sc., Information Systems, School of Economics and Management, Lund University, Sweden, 2010
  • M.Sc., Information Technology Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, 2007
  • B.Sc., Computer Engineering (Software Eng.), Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Iran, 2004

Professional Experience

Prior to his doctoral studies, Mohammad worked for five years as project manager, enterprise/IT architect and system analyst, developing IT strategies and architecture for enterprise integration and business-IT alignment. His private-sector experience also includes R&D, business analysis and software engineering.

Email: maa4 at