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Version skapad av Ahmed Zaki 2014-10-08 13:06

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Tutorials - Problem Assignment

Mandatory Homework Assignment





Solutions due date 

Problem Set


Nov 13

14:00-16:00 SIP

Wed, Oct 31


Nov 20

14:00-16:00 SIP

Wed, Nov 7


Nov 27

14:00-16:00 SIP

Wed, Nov 14


Dec 03

14:00-16:00 SIP

Wed, Nov 21


Dec 08

14:00-16:00 SIP

Wed, Nov 28


Dec 12

14:00-16:00 SIP

Wed, Dec 5

7 Dec 18 14:00-16:00 SIP Wed, Dec 12
8 Jan 15 14:00-16:00 SIP Wed, Dec 19
  • Only oral discussion about the homework problems between students are allowed, i.e, you are not allowed to use pen and paper.
  • Everybody has to hand in an own solution. Solutions will be checked against plagiarism!
  • Each step has to be justified. If justification is missing then this is considered as wrong! Perhaps refer on equations from the book.
  • Every correctly solved problem is worth 1 point, partially correct gives 0.5 point, mostly wrong 0 point.

Strict deadline: One day before each tutorial.

  • On paper: During office hours (before 6 PM)
  • Scanned via E-mail before midnight (preferred, send to both TAs and teacher), one minus point for every hour late.


The tutorial will be of two parts.

  1. Discussion of a problem: The TA will discuss certain problem(s) of the next homework set.
  2. Ticking: This means in the beginning of the tutorial every student is asked to tick those problems the student is able to present at the board. The TA will then randomly call the students to present their solution.The problems are taken from the last homework set.

Bonus Points

  • Participation: If you tick at least 4 problems, then you obtain 1 bonus point. If you tick at least 2 problems, then you obtain 1/2 bonus point.
  • Presentation: If you successfully present a solution, then you obtain one extra bonus point. If it partially correct, then you obtain 1/2 extra bonus pont. If it is wrong, but it was an honest try, then you obtain 0 extra bonus point. Note, every step has to be justified.
  • Cheating: If you obviously do not have a solution, but you ticked the problem, then the bonus points for this session will be removed. If this happens the second time, then also all previous bonus points will be removed.