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Among the flowers of Midsommar!

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! Today, I want to talk to you about Midsommar, one of Sweden’s most beloved celebrations! So, picture this: it’s summertime in Sweden, the days are long, the sun is shining and the air is warm. What best time to celebrate the beauty of Summer after a long … Continue reading “Among the flowers of Midsommar!”

Summer plans for me and the blog!

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! I hope you are all doing great. I’m tuning in today for a quick recap of what will happen during the next couple of months, as there are some exciting changes coming up for the blog and Instagram channels of KTH! First off, I want to share … Continue reading “Summer plans for me and the blog!”

What KTH taught me this year

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! The final exams are finally over, and my first year at KTH has come to an end. It was such a rollercoaster of emotions! In between up and downs, I changed and grew a lot – and today I would like to tell you what I learnt. … Continue reading “What KTH taught me this year”

Get your KTH adventure started with the Arrival Days!

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! Today, we are going to talk about what will happen at KTH during August: the 2023 Arrival Days and International Reception! When will the Arrival Days be? The Arrival Days 2023 will take place on August 19 and 20, but a lot of activities will take place … Continue reading “Get your KTH adventure started with the Arrival Days!”

The Swedish job market playground

Hello everybody and welcome to this new post! Today, we are going to talk about job opportunities and employability in Sweden. Both as a student and as a graduate, Sweden has a lot to offer, from attractive salaries to an excellent work-life balance. Let’s dive into the Swedish employment market together! How to find a … Continue reading “The Swedish job market playground”

What being a (Digital) Student Ambassador has taught me

Hello everybody, and welcome to this new post! Today, I would like to tell you something more about my experience as a (Digital) Student Ambassador for KTH. I thought this could interest you too, since the application to become Student Ambassador and Digital Student Ambassador for KTH are now open! So, let’s get started. My … Continue reading “What being a (Digital) Student Ambassador has taught me”