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Network resources and common file areas

What resources you are connected to when you log in to a KTH IT-Support computer and how it looks.

If you start windows explorer (start menu/programs/accessories/windows explorer), you can see the following devices under My Computer:

  • C: - Local hard disk with system files etc. Here you have no access to save anything.
  • D: - CD/DVD player
  • H: - Home Directory. This the place to save your files. Do not remove the appdata folder, it contains your roaming profile (all your user settings).
  • P: - Common areas. "kurser" - Course library, "www" - personal homepages, "sektioner" - student section areas, "projekt" - common project areas.
  • S: - Application server. Here are the application files that is not locally installed.
  • W: - Your personal web area is mapped here (if you have one). Anything saved here is accessible by anyone over the internet.