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Preparations before your exchange studies

Have you been allocated an exchange spot through KTH? Congratulations! Then it's time to start the preparations for your departure.

1. Study planning

The first thing you should do before your exchange studies is find the courses you want to study at the exchange university.

Study plan for exchange studies

2. Apply to the exchange university

Everyone who has been allocated an exchange spot needs to apply to the exchange university. You make your application the semester before you leave, but the time depends on which university you are going to. Your international coordinator will contact you when it is time to apply.

3. Funding

Exchange studies do not have to entail any high additional costs. Review what to do with your regular study grants and whether to apply for a scholarship.

Funding for exchange studies

Sustainable exchange studies

There is a lot you can do to make your exchange sustainable. If you go on an exchange within Europe, you can, for example, receive compensation if you take the train to your exchange destination.

Green travel reimbursement within Europe

4. Insurance and healthcare

All KTH students on exchange studies, degree projects or internships abroad through KTH are covered by the Student UT insurance. Before departure, you should be aware of the EHIC (for exchanges within Europe), medicines, and vaccinations.

Insurance and healthcare

5. Practical preparations before departure

In addition to a possible visa application, there are some practical issues you need to keep track of or resolve before departure, such as accommodation, registration and necessary documents.

Before departure