What if you cannot participate in the seminar?
If you know in advance that you will not be able to participate in the seminar, you should in good time fill in the table at the seminar group swap page to swap group with another student. If this is not possible, you have to write a two-page reflection on the others' reflections instead and mail it (as a PDF document) to your mentor.
You must still submit your reflection document on time and comment on the other documents.
What happens if you do not submit your reflection document on time?
The course is based on everyone submitting their reflection documents on time. If you do not, you have to write a double length reflection (at least 1000 words) and mail it to your mentor (as well as putting it in Google Docs etc. in the usual way).
What happens if you do not comment on the other documents on time?
If you have not commented (relevantly) on six of the other documents on time, you will need to do this later, and also comment on every comment the other group members have made in your own document. If there are no comments of your own document, you will need to write a relevant comment in each of the others' (i.e. all group members') documents, which might be a comment of a comment. Collect the URLs to all documents you commented and mail them to your mentor.
What if you study abroad?
If you are studying abroad for a period, you should carry out the reflection seminar tasks remotely. Then you get the chance to share your experiences of the exchange studies with the rest of the group. If you are able to attend the Zoom seminar of your group, you can simply do that. Otherwise, please follow the instructions in the next paragraph.
Pay attention to when it is time for submission of reflection documents of the course. In addition to the usual reflection, you should reflect on the exchange studies, if possible in the context of the topic of the seminar. You should write a little more than usual (about 800-900 words), but on the other hand, you won't need to participate in the reflection seminar. You will of course still read and comment on the other group members' reflection documents. Your mentor will report the results as if you had participated in the seminar. Add a note at the top of the reflection that you are reflecting on your exchange studies instead of attending the seminar.
If you are on exchange studies during period 2 you should try to organize your own study visit in the city where you study. You should visit an IT company or IT research group at the university, and the visit should last between 20 and 60 minutes. If it is not possible to find a study visit you will have to do an extra assignment described in the instructions to the seminar in period 2.
Is it possible to finish the course in less than 2 years?
Yes, if you know that you will be finishing your degree within three semesters or less you can apply for replacement assignments for the semester(s) that you miss. You need to send your application to the administrative course coordinator (Viggo Kann) during period 3 in your first year of the course. To be allowed to finish the course earlier, you need to have passed all assignments of the first year of the course up to the date of the application.