Headings denoted with an asterisk ( * ) is retrieved from the course syllabus version Autumn 2022
Content and learning outcomes
Course contents
The course is divided into four parts as follows:
Introduction with course information and presentation of the electric power system as a part of a sustainable energy system.
Basic modelling and analysis of the electric power systems: from physics of electricity, basic circuit analysis to modelling of AC systems to power flow assessment.
Studies of the performance of the power system including aspect of new development with e.g. integration about renewable energy, operation and stability and market.
Conclusion with course summary.
Intended learning outcomes
After passing the course, the student shall be able to
describe conceptually the technical basic properties and the performance of the electric power system with main function to deliver electricity between production, consumption and storing
describe the basics of synchronous generators
describe the basics of the three phase transmission system
carry out calculations per unit in the electric power system
describe the basic impact of different power loads on the electric power system
formulate and solve current flow analysis problem
describe the basic behaviour of the electric power system based on simulation tools
reason about and give examples of how an electric power system can be developed with the aim of contributing to a sustainable society.
General course information
The electric power system is a complex technical system with the main function to deliver electricity between generation, consumption, and storage. A sustainable energy system involves key components of, increasing use of renewable energy resources, increased energy efficiency and use of electricity in the transportation sector. As an effect of this some key questions for the electric power system are integration of intermittent electricity generation e.g., from wind power, and connections of electrical vehicles to the electrical distribution system and different solutions for energy storage.
The course will give a conceptual introduction to the electric power system as a main part of the energy system. The course will start with fundamental basic concepts of the physics of electricity, basic circuit analysis. It will go through fundamental modeling of the alternating current (AC) system, the power flow, show on models for power system operation and planning including aspects of reliability and market, and design of renewable energy systems. For an understanding of the dynamic behavior of the electric power system simulator tools will be used.
The course is offered in two versions. Both courses (EG111V and EG112V) include the same introduction lectures to electric power systems. The extended course (EG112V) also includes computer-based laboratory exercises.
The course content is divided into five parts as follows:
Introduction with course information and presentation of the electric power system as part of a sustainable energy system.
Fundamental modeling and analysis of the electric power systems: from physics of electricity, basic circuit analysis to the modeling of AC system, generation and loads to power flow assessment.
Power system performance assessment and system operation and new technology.
Examples from current developments including a guest lectures.
Conclusion with course summary.
There is one computer lab in course EG112V. The computer lab deals with simulation of the electric power system and the handling of stability. The simulator tool Power World will be used.
The course is given in English and all course material including the examination is in English.
Other teachers
A few distinguished guest lecturers from industry have been invited. They will provide examples of actual power system developments and connect the course theory to practice.
Preparations before course start
Main course book:
Electric Power Systems – A conceptual introduction (2006), by Alexandra von Meier published by John Wiley & Sons, ISBN-13:987-0-471-175859-0.
Additional recommended book for further readings:
Power System Analysis Third Edition, (2010), by Hadi Saadat published by PSA Publishing, ISBN 978-0-9845438-0-9.
Brounéus, F., & Duwig, C. (Eds.). (2022). Towards the energy of the future – the invisible revolution behind the electrical socket. BoD – Books on Demand. Download from here .
Complementary lecture material, exercises and laboratory preparation material will be handed out and posted on the course home page.
Support for students with disabilities
Students at KTH with a permanent disability can get support during studies from Funka:
The course comprises of: 20 lectures, 12 exercise sessions and 8 computer lab sessions (the computer lab sessions are only part of the longer course EG112V).
In the first part of the lectures the focus is on the fundamentals of power systems and in the second part of the lectures there are guest lectures and discussions. All lectures wand exercises will be recorded and posted at the course Canvas page.
Detailed Course Program
The schedule is available online from TimeEdit Kungliga Tekniska högskolan . If any changes in the schedule must be made the online version would be the accurate version.
All lectures and exercises are possible to attend digital. Before the start of the course zoom links will be provided to attend the sesions digital. The lectures will be recorded and shared after the sessions.
Examination and completion
Grading scale
P, F
TENA - Oral exam, 3.0 credits, Grading scale: P, F
Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.
The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.
The section below is not retrieved from the course syllabus:
Homework tasks are provided related to the exercises.
Detailed deadlines will be communicated during the course.
Ethical approach
All members of a group are responsible for the group's work.
In any assessment, every student shall honestly disclose any help received and sources used.
In an oral assessment, every student shall be able to present and answer questions about the entire assignment and solution.
Evaluation and assignments
Homework tasks will be provided related to the exercises.
The methods used to evaluate the work in this course are:
Final examination. The examination has two parts: one related to the lectures and one to the exercises. The first examination will be oral, and the second will submitted assignments. It is needed to pass both parts to pass the examination.
TEN1 – Final examination, 3.0 credits, grading scale: P, F
Approved laboratory report for the computer lab. (Only for the EG112V)
LAB1 - Computer assignment, 3 credits, grading scale: P, F
Detailed deadlines will be communicated during the course using the Canvas system.
The date for the oral examination will be decided during the course with the examiner.
Further information
No information inserted
Communication during course
Canvas will be used as the main tool for course communication. For contact with individual teacher’s e-mail is preferable used. For email a subject is preferable included with the course code or course name SEPS.
Canvas will be used as the main tool for course communication. For contact with individual teacher’s e-mail is preferable used. For email a subject is preferable included with the course code or course name SEPS.