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LS1600 Intercultural Competence 4.5 credits

Course memo Spring 2022-60799

Version 1 – 03/18/2022, 5:51:32 PM

Course offering

CGC (Start date 21/03/2022, English)

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

ITM/Learning in Engineering Sciences

Course memo Spring 2022

Headings denoted with an asterisk ( * ) is retrieved from the course syllabus version Autumn 2020

Content and learning outcomes

Course contents

With concrete examples and problem-based inductive learning, the course introduces the theoretical models needed for efficient reflection on, and analysis of, intercultural situations, communication and teamwork.

The course provides opportunities to learn and practice, individually and in groups, various practical methods for working constructively, creatively and ethically with personal and cultural variation and diversity, as well as for handling critical intercultural situations.

The course contributes to an increased level of self-awareness and understanding of important issues such as identity, stereotypes, norms and behavioral patterns.

During the course, we will examine roles and expectations, relevant to the student's specific profession, that may exist in different countries, companies and workplaces, and discuss what consequences this may have in, e.g., multi-disciplinary and international projects.

We discuss, how inter-cultural skills are linked to the common values for KTH Royal Institute of Technology and other universities and organisations, to global citizenship and to sustainable development.

The course also covers emotional aspects of international teamwork, living and working abroad as well as returning to your country.

Documentation, reflection and accounting of intercultural experiences and learning are brought up as a step towards personal development and future employability.

The course is given in English and makes use of the fact that KTH has students with different backgrounds at all levels.

Intended learning outcomes

After passing the course, you are expected as student be able to:

• Show an understanding, grounded in personal experience, of how personal and cultural variation and diversity influence understanding, emotions, decision-making, communication and teamwork.

• Problematise your own and others' descriptions of culture and identifications based on, for example, gender, nationality, ethnicity, class, age, language and profession.

• Give personal examples of knowledge, skills and attitudes that support and develop intercultural competence.

• Use simple and efficient methods to observe, analyse and work constructively, creatively and ethically with personal and cultural variation.

• Reflect on critical intercultural incidents in a constructive and solution-oriented way.

• Systematically document, reflect on, and give accounts of intercultural experiences and learning.

• Present a personal action plan, grounded in self-awareness, for your continued personal development towards increased intercultural competence.

Detailed plan

Activity type and deadlines Main focus
Welcome module
Get familiar with the course content and structure. Introduce yourself in "Tell us about yourself" section.
  • course structure and literature
  • examination requirements
  • self-introduction

Introduction to Intercultural Competence
March 21 - April 3

Webinar 1. Introduction to IC. Part 1
March 21, 17:00 - 19:00

  • What is Intercultural Competence
  • Culture and Identity
  • Perception and cultural relativity
  • Intro to Individual Assignment 1

Webinar 2. Introduction to IC. Part 2 + Life Advisor Challenge Intro
March 28, 17:00 - 19:00

  • Intercultural Competence theories, concepts, models
  • Practical cases: Culture clashes
  • Intro to Life Advisor Challenge

Discussion Forum Questions in Canvas:

  • Week 1-2. Q1
  • Week 1-2. Q2

Deadline: March 30

  • Participate in a group discussion related to the topic of the week
  • Share your thoughts, opinions, ideas
  • Discuss your views with other group members

Individual Assignment 1. My perception of self vs. how others see me. Detailed guidelines and recommendations to be provided in Canvas

Deadline: April 1

  • Exploring your own identity in order to develop interpersonal and IC competency
  • Evaluating your strengths and weaknesses 
  • Defining the ways for self-development

“Find a Life Advisor” Challenge 
              April 4 - May 8

Individual/Group Assignment 2. “Find a life advisor” Challenge.

Detailed instructions are provided in Canvas

Deadline: May 6


  • Developing communication skills
  • Stretching comfort zone
  • Expanding network
  • Learning from the experience of others
  • Getting practical perspectives on Intercultural Competence
  • Collecting IC related critical incidents from a “Life advisor” for your analysis

Discussion Forum Questions in Canvas:

  • Week 3. Q1
  • Week 3. Q2

Deadline: April 6

  • Participate in a group discussion related to the topic of the week
  • Share your thoughts, opinions, ideas
  • Discuss your views with other group members

Teamwork in Intercultural Environment  
                  April 11 - April 24

Webinar 3. Teamwork in intercultural environment

April 11, 17:00 - 19:00

  • Teamwork challenges
  • Practical cases
  • Teamwork knowledge application and skills development

Discussion Forum Questions in Canvas:

  • Week 4-5. Q1
  • Week 4-5. Q2
  • Week 4-5. Q3
  • Week 4-5. Q4

Deadline: April 20

  • Participate in a group discussion related to the topic of the week
  • Share your thoughts, opinion, ideas
  • Discuss your views with other group members

Culture Survival Guide
      April 25 - May 1

Culture Shock stages and relevant theories

  • Culture Shock
  • Intercultural Competence in Practice

Discussion Forum Questions in Canvas:

  • Week 6. Q1
  • Week 6. Q2

Deadline: April 27

  • Participate in a group discussion related to the topic of the week
  • Share your thoughts, opinion, ideas
  • Discuss your views with other group members

Finalizing your “Find a Life Advisor” Challenge
                          May 2 - May 8

Submission of a Group Report for Individual/Group Assignment 2. “Find a Life Advisor” Challenge

Deadline: May 6

  • Participate in a group discussion 
  • Share your experience with life advisor challenge with your peers
  • Analyse critical incidents together with your group using IC theories, models, concepts

Personal Action Plan
   May 9 - May 22

Individual Assignment 3. Personal Action Plan.

Detailed guidelines and recommendations to be provided in Canvas

Deadline: May 20

  • Goal setting in relation to your IC development
  • Planning practical steps for accomplishing your goal

Schema VT-2022-CGC

Preparations before course start


Reading material will be available in or through Canvas.

Examination and completion

Grading scale

P, F


  • LEXA - Continuous Assessment, 4.5 credits, Grading scale: P, F

Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.

The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.

Continuous examination.

Under certain circumstances, other examination forms may be used.

The section below is not retrieved from the course syllabus:

In order to Pass you should complete the following:

  1. Presence and active participation in the course webinars
  2. Individual Assignment 1. My perception of self vs. how others see me
  3. Individual/Group Assignment 2. “Find a life advisor” Challenge
  4. Individual Assignment 3. Personal Action Plan
  5. Discussion Forum Questions (weekly mandatory questions to answer and to comment on in Canvas Discussion Forum within the deadlines set in Canvas)

Deadlines and specific detailed requirements for “Pass” grade are presented in Canvas in instructions for each assignment. If you have further questions in relation to the course grading system, feel free to contact us.

Other requirements for final grade

All examination parts passed.

Ethical approach

  • All members of a group are responsible for the group's work.
  • In any assessment, every student shall honestly disclose any help received and sources used.
  • In an oral assessment, every student shall be able to present and answer questions about the entire assignment and solution.

Further information

No information inserted

Round Facts

Start date

21 Mar 2022

Course offering

  • CGC Spring 2022-60799

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

ITM/Learning in Engineering Sciences


Course Coordinator

