For higher grades (A-D), more profound knowledge is required within the essential parts of the course and the student can, to varying degrees, interconnect, reason, and apply their knowledge to tackle increasingly complex biotechnological problems [TEN1].
The exam is in two parts:
Part A comprises 7 modules, and each needs to be passed (>75% ) for grade E. A Midterm Exam offers the possibility to examine modules 1-3.
Part B comprises 5 essay questions for higher grades (max points: 30 points + up to 2 bonus points)
Grading scheme (tentative, may be adjusted):
E Completed compulsory quizzes, laboratory work [LAB1 and LAB2], approved societal impact debate, and approved PART A (at least 75% on each of the 7 modules) [TEN1]
D also, explain in greater detail different clinical applications of biotechnology, with examples, examined in PART B (at least 16 points)[TEN1]
C also, explain in greater detail in several parts of the course, with examples and analysis of the benefits and disadvantages examined in PART B (at least 19 points) [TEN1]
B in addition, theoretically apply advanced knowledge in all parts of the course to address biotechnological issues within the clinic, examined in PART B (at least 22 points) [TEN1]
A in addition, theoretically apply very advanced knowledge, in all parts of the course, to tackle particularly complicated biotechnological issues within the clinic, examined in PART B (at least 25 points) [TEN1]
Fx: at least 75% on 6 topics (out of 7) PART A [TEN1]